
OnlineBanking Nov 24, 27 2010

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

After I had compiled the website unusual things happened. By OnlineBankng (Deutsche Bank) a money transfer (Nov 27 2010) could not be sent because it said the word ‘Wurzelsepp’ has not valid characters: ‘Please enter only valid characters’. After a few days the same word, without having done anything, was accepted as having valid characters. The transfer, however, could  not get executed_ was blocked, it didn’t move further. After a few days, without having done anything,  the transfer could get executed. This incident had for me strong associations with the disappearance  of the green scarf in Denmark and its sudden appearance (2004-2009: ‘das Verschwinden und Wiederauftauchen des grünen Schals’), and with the booklet and CD which disappeared and again appeared in Greece (2004-2009): All the work of an invisible hand. Cf: ‘Erzwingungstechniken’.


I had transfered money to a company in Germany. After unusual long time, as I didn’t hear from them, I asked per email about it. They didn’t receive the money, which I had sent from the same German bank. But in between I had received the confirmation from the bank that the money had been sent long time ago. I scanned it and sent it to the company. They checked it once more, it had not arrived there. I contacted  the bank. The nice lady there, who had nothing to do with the transfer, checked it out, said, it had been wrongly inputted (falsch eingegeben, das Geld zurückgekommen), money came back.


Two more companies in Germany, similar problem. 1- The manager was upset that I had received nothing, apologized for it (honestly), said, the order he had given to Ms. X. Shortly thereafter I received the pckage. 2- The lady manager  (it is a big company) apologized, said, it is very unusual that it had been forgotten… I had received from both of them often packages. It is of course not clear why it happened so. But, according to my experiences, there is a BUT…


I didn’t use my mobile about 10 days. As I wanted to use it, it didn’t react at all (not because it was not charged). I went to the dealer. He took it to the small room in the back of the store, said, come tomorrow. Next day, by entering the store he didn’t look at me at all… After I said, good morning, he said, the phone was sent to the company because it needs an up-grade software. I had and have absolutely no knowledge about it, have never heard something like that. I don’t know. It took round three weeks. The shopkeeper’s behavior was changed abruptly: unusual friendly, made a long conversation with me, saying, he likes Austria (I am in Greece as Austrian citizen) and so on, said, tomorrow.

I received it next day. There were before a few pictures in the mobile: of my cleaning lady, of myself and the picture of ‘my previous neighbor’ (pictured in the category ‘also bin ich’, below 2004-2009+, also in ‘We.The-Team’: Dimitris, the Arab man who stole my scores etc: ‘gabage bags’, ‘put me in prison’). They all, including pictures of my working room (not the telephone numbers) had disappeared.

The story of dirty apartment might have been concocted to bring the photographer to take pictures and, thanks to the Ericsson ‘Überwachugstechnik’, compare them with the ones in my mobile (Sony Ericsson).

Spiegel Online 02 Dez 2011: “Telekom-Ausrüster: Ericsson liefert… Überwachugstechnik… Lawful Interception… Bei den Verfahren gegen Oppositionelle werden immer wieder Mitschnitte von Telefongesprächen und Auszüge aus E-Mails der Angeklagten als Beweise verwendet… Der schwedische Konzern Ericsson [hat] Überwachungstechnik an Weißrussland geliefert, mit der die Staatsanwaltschaft diese Beweise erlangt.”


Wenige Wochen nach dem Erscheinen meiner Website bekam ich von der obigen Bank (Deutsche Bank) in Deutschlad eine neue Karte, die meine bisherige, mit der ich Geld aus Geldautomaten abheben konnte, ersetzen sollte. Auf der Rückseite der Karte war der Klebstoff, der die Karte auf dem Schreiben der Bank befestigte, direkt auf dem Magentstreifen, und die Karte konnte von dem hartnäckig klebrigen Klebstoff, ohne dass der Magentstreifen beschädigt würde, nicht entfernt werden

“Wichtig”, neben der Karte war zu lesen: “Bitte den Magnetstreifen auf der Rückseite sowie den Chip auf der Vorderseite nicht beschädigen, da es sonst zu Funktionsstörungen kommt”.

Beim mühsamen Entfernen der karte wurde der Magnetstreifen beschädigt. Die Karte ist unbrauchbar. Ronald D. Laing beschreibt die Taktik: “Wir werden beauftragt, den Motor eines Autos zu reparieren; wir erhalten Instruktionen, die unweigerlich dazu führen, dass der Motor auseinanderfällt, und wir werden angewiesen, uns Selbstvorwürfe zu machen, wenn uns die Reparatur nicht gelingt” (Die Politik der Familie, Seite 95).


About iraj

Composer (New Music), writer.
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