Austrian-Iranian Citizen

Austrian-Iranian Citizen

‘… the power of the state…, the most serious menace to liberty’ (Bertrand Russell).

  • ‘Der Aufeinanderprall von Kraft und Kraft, Macht und Macht entspricht… nicht den Intentionen der sadistischen Lust. Sie fordert wehrlose Opfer” (Hermann Glaser: Der sadistische Staat, sozialpathologische Aspekte der modernen Gesellschaft [MV-Sarafi-Shiraz (presently censored): ‘Guten Appetit’ im Restaurant und ‘guten Schlaf’ im Hotel wünscht Ihnen der moderne Staat’]).
  • Arno Gruen: ‘Ihr Inneres ist ein Hexenkessel von Rache und Mordlust… Sie finden oft ihren Ort in der Bürokratie, wo sie im Namen von Gesetz und Ordnung… sich selbst dabei völlig im Recht fühlen können’. Karl Jaspers: ‘Im Umgang mit der Bevölkerung ist… das Verhältnis von Herrschaft zum Objekt… Durch Redensarten von Dienstpflicht, Allgemeininteresse, Gerechtigkeit…, tobt sich… der Mißmut an Wehrlosen’ aus.
  • ‘Die Sphäre der Instinkte wird überschichtet von einer Staats-‘Ethik’…, die nur darauf aus ist, den Staat als sadistischen Staat zu erhalten… Der Sadismus des Herrn’ und der Gottesstaat als der sadistische Staat’. Österreichs katholischer Staat [ÖKS], ein sadistisch-destruktiver Staat_ eingebettet in die geheimdienstlich kriminelle Vereinigung der Europäischen Union als ‘something like fascism’, its ‘internal security forces’ als something like Gestapo.
  • ‘Die destruktive Leidenschaft (der Sadismus) der imperativen Instanz… The cannibal [‘Menschenfresser im Geiste’] performs institutionalized acts of sadism, prescribed by the society as normal, pleasurable acts’ (Ö Zusatz 2).

C.f. ÖKS, ‘MV-Sarafi-Shiraz’, also ‘EU-GR’ files and ‘GoGoogle’: all-out war_ north, south, west, east. Österreich, mit seinem ‘katholischen Justizdreck’, bleibt nach wie vor der zentrale Herd des Verbrechens gegen mich in der EU. Das staatlich kriminelle ‘We-the-Team’, Berner-Wolf-Krommer-Lacom, as ‘cannibal society’, ‘Geschäftsführer von ‘social pathology’ (ÖKS).

MV-Sarafi-Shiraz 2017 (presently censored!)

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  • ‘Du, göttlich krimineller Geist… Du, Verbrecherstaat katholischer Prägung’ [‘Du, ‘unfehlbarer’ Verbrecher_ in deiner Plünderung und Zerstörung, in deinem Sadismus und Kannibalismus, durch normalisiertes Behörden-Verbrechen’ (ÖKS)]… ‘Du wolltest mein ‘Vermögen’ pfänden’; ‘verlor schließlich den Rest meiner Sachen und meine… Wohnung’. Vgl. ‘Balcony naked’: ‘Österreich bleibt nach wie vor der zentrale Herd des Verbrechens gegen mich in der EU.
  • Du, ‘563’ Euros, liebäugelst mit meinem ‘Einkommen’ und meinem ‘Haus’ in Griechenland.’

‘MV-Sarafi-Shiraz’/’Devil as the God of the Bible’: ‘Dialog der Götter’.

‘Universal Declaration of the Sacred and Violence_ Prinzip des Glaubens… Greuel von Feuer und Schwert

  • [It is the death instinct and its extroversion as the sacred, and the sacred as euphemism for violence. ‘Menschenverbrennung’ als ‘Seelenrettung [‘lofty ethic’]’ (Ö Zusatz 2)].

Gott gegen Mensch. Staat gegen Volk…, Todestrieb gegen Lebenstrieb. History of anlaity… Identity of the Devil as death instinct and the Devil as anality [‘Affinität’ der ‘anale[n] Libido’ mit ‘Todestrieb’, und dass sie ‘auf Zerstörung ausgerichtet ist’]… The identity of God and the Devil’ [‘The God of the Bible is pleased with carnage’. ‘The extremes of savagery… in the Bible’. ‘Violence and the sacred are inseparable’. ‘Mordlust des heiligen Vaters’].


Problems to get Internet. Mr. Razi operates the office for it (‘Khedamat-e Doulat’: State Services. ‘Internet Mokhaberat’: communication). After payment (225,000 Tomans) it took about one week

  • [He said I should go to his office and come with him to my place. Two times there were some excuses that he could not come. He said then ‘Come between 18 and 20 o’clock’_ their Working hours is 7.30 to 21 o’clock. I went there at 19 o’clock (electricity was gone). He said he cannot work without electricity. After a few seconds electricity came. I said now electricity is back. He said he could not leave the office, said come tomorrow at 9. I was there next day at 9. He said he has to contact somebody first. He called, said it’s not possible today (Thursday, the equivalent of European Saturday). But as he ordered me Wednesday to go there next day, he knew it’ll be Thursday. I had to go there again on Saturday, he said. I said, then you’ll say yesterday was Friday (equivalent of European Sunday)… He smiled… I said, I’ll come Sunday before noon. He said when he is not there I should ask his wife (who works also there) to call him and he’ll come…]

until Mr. Razi came and connected the modem to the wire already in the house. Internet started to work_ short. Then it didn’t work. Again Mr. Razi came. It worked. Then it didn’t. ‘The old wire in the house’ was blamed to be the problem, Mr. Razi said. My landlord brought a specialist and a new wire was installed. Mr. Razi came and Internet worked with the new wire. Then it didn’t_ no change with the new wire, modem blinking as before, or no blinking but two lights of the modem were off.

I went to Mr. Razi’s office over 8 times. My landlord a few times, complaining… One month! Internet worked for some hours or short days with interruptions and again not at all, going there again, Mr. Razi came again, or said he comes, but didn’t…

As an authority called Mr. Razi because of his stalling tactic to set up Internet, he blamed me that I don’t know how to use it (‘balad nistam’). [1]

To have Internet connection or not is like to have electricity or not. And then, when you have it, you can turn it on or off. But I, according to Mr. Razi, ‘balad nistam [don’t know…]’.

It is incumbent on this office to set up Internet for which 225,000 Tomans was charged. Razi’s stupid accusation is not because he is stupid. It is in the category of his provocative disrespectful behavior towards me as ‘Khadamat-e Doulat'[2].

My landlord contacted another office here (I am not familiar with the function of offices here) and got the name of a private technician in another city. The man came and did something in the modem for half minute, and since then, now October 14, since several weeks, the Internet works.


The costs after 225,000 were 75,000 for the technician and the unnecessary new wire.

[1]C.f.: ‘I am being blamed for the molded ‘thick finger’, for receiving ‘563’ Euros less…, for ‘Verfälschungsarbeit’, ‘Vermählungsarbeit’ of the ‘Naziverbrecher Krommer’… It’s me!, the problem comes from me’. Vgl. weiter: ‘Gemeinsamkeiten in einigen moralischen Fragen’ (MV-Sarafi-Shiraz).

[2]Vgl. ‘Der Staat hat die Herren im Restaurant und im Hotel angewiesen, mich zu misshandeln und beleidigen_ und ich wurde misshandelt und beleidigt’.

  • Parallel case: ‘In jedem EU-Land, wo ich ankomme, warten bereits…’, ‘absolute barriers’, ‘Information-Terrorismus’ (File Martin Schulz). ‘Gemeinsamkeiten’… ohne Grenzen’. ‘Westernization of the Iranian Islam’. ‘Don’t miss the honor of giving me a coup de grâce!’  (MV-Sarafi-Shiraz).

Op. cit. ‘Restaurant. After finishing my food I didn’t ask the waiter for the bill, went directly to the lady cahier, said, ‘I am short of Iranian money’, gave a twenty euro banknote as deposit, ‘I come tomorrow to pay the bill in rial’. The man behind her, usually not visible, intervened, said ‘not necessary to deposit’. He knows me since 15 years I come to this restaurant. I said it is extremely friendly from you, but perhaps I die tonight. He refused again and I insisted again… He took then the euro banknote from the lady. I thanked and left.

Next day. After finishing my food I asked the waiter for the bill and paid him. I went then to the lady cashier, the man behind her came, I paid him the bill of yesterday, received the deposited euro banknote from him, thanked for the kindness and left.

Two days thereafter. I finished my food, asked the waiter for the bill. He said I should go to the cashier.

I went there. The man was already standing behind the lady who was sitting at her cashier table. I stood in front of her and gave the man a 100,000 toman banknote.

He stretched his arm, shaking the bill and the banknote in the air over the head of the lady cashier, complaining that a corner of the banknote was worn out, said: ‘this is what the sarafi gave you’. ‘That’s no problem’, I said. He took from the cashier table some money, reducing apparently the amount of the bill from 100,000 tomans, didn’t give me the bill, pushed then the crumpled banknotes in his fist into my hand and said ‘negah kon’ (look).

  • In Farsi, like in German, there is a difference between speaking politely or speaking to relatives and friends. The polite way the man didn’t use is ‘negah konid’_,

The lady cashier, I saw her face, was in a state of shock. I said ‘negah nemikonam’ (won’t look), pushed the crumpled banknotes into my pocket and left.


Hotel. I came 5 o’clock in the morning with taxi to the hotel and was received kindly in the reception. The taxi driver asked more money than it was arranged. I refused to pay. As he became violent the receptionist started to write something on a paper, gave it to the taxi driver to sign, and gave him the more money he wanted. He gave me then the room until next day 14 o’clock for one night payment only.

In my staying there the hotel employees expressed verbally or by gesture their sympathy for me. I liked the atmosphere there too.

On the day of my departure I had to call a respected and dear friend at 4 p.m. to fix an appointment late afternoon. My flight was early in the morning next day,

The telephone in my hotel room was blocked, unable to call to outside. I called the receptionist. He didn’t want to say why my telephone was blocked. He asked for the name and telephone number of the person I wanted to call, said he’ll call him and connect it to me. After 10 minutes I called him again to know if he could reach my friend. No answer from him. I tried again and again, no answer. It took long until I could reach him. He said that number didn’t answer.

I asked the receptionist to order a taxi at 11.30 p.m. to the airport. ‘Destination’ (maghsade parvas)?, he asked. I said it has nothing to do with taxi.

In that area there is in the daytime not much traffic. In the night there are almost no people in the street and little traffic.

I came 11.30 p.m. with my luggage to the reception. No taxi there. A young guy from the hotel came to me and said wait here. He left the hotel, came back, said your taxi to the airport… He knew apparently the taxi driver personally.


Vor dem Hintergrund, dass nur durch die ‘Vernichtung des anderen… gelangt der Mensch zur Mitgliedschaft im modernen Staat’ (File EU-GR Inkognito), hat man zwei Möglichkeiten: ‘Vernichtung des anderen’ oder Verlust der ‘Mitgliedschaft’.

Auserwählt durch direkten Kontakt von oben haben sich die Herren für die erste Option entschieden. Sie identifizieren sich nun mit den Herrschenden, sind Insider geworden, und mit dem Freisetzen der sonst gehemmten aggressiven Impulse haben sie ein kathartisches Erlebnis.

  • Ö Zusatz 2: ‘… eine Versuchung, seine Aggression an ihm zu befriedigen…, ihn zu demütigen, ihm Schmerzen zu bereiten…, wenn die seelischen Gegenkräfte, die sie sonst hemmen, weggefallen sind’_ hier durch die Anweisung.

By direct instructions (‘Anweisung’) from Above: Private individuals are set against one private individual. In the moment those private individuals decide for ‘Vernichtung des anderen’, they are turned into ‘internal security forces’ [c.f. file ‘EU-State’ and ‘ European Court of Human Rights inadmissible’] with psych-terror, sadist and destructive acts.

About iraj

Composer (New Music), writer.
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