Quasi Stichwörter zur Lektüre des Files ‘EU Susan Watkins’
the Europarliament—is a dead-end, if there is to be any hope of a re-democratization of the Union
German ascendancy
This is the new German Europe—the very outcome that integration was designed to prevent
asymmetries of the EU
Maastricht brought a decisive widening of the gap between rulers and ruled
deliberately designed to be immune from electoral pressure… obliteration of any real policies for a ‘social Europe’
Supra-national EUdiplomacy… groundwork for NATO through the Commission’s … to make an ever-wider penumbra safe for capital accumulation
oligarchic forms of rule
autocratic control by the Commission
the money going not to ‘the Greeks’, of course, but to French and German banks
I was fucking apoplectic
instruct the Greeks to vote against Syriza
[“Athen vor Neuwahlen EU-Politiker warnen Griechen vor Linksruck… Liebe Griechen, passt bloß auf, wen ihr wählt: EU-Politiker fürchten einen Sieg der Linken.” (Spiegel Online 29 Dez 2014)]
extension of autocratic executive power
German Chancellor as executive head of Europe
obliged member states to submit annual budgets to the Commission for approval before they could be discussed by national parliaments
Germany’s economic weight was leveraged into political primacy
Germany is already starting to benefit from the accretive nature of power
Merkel is treated like the Empress of Europe
German Europe
the hardening of the Commission’s power and the entirely extra-constitutional role of the German Chancellor
unprecedented centralization of extra-legal power in the office of the German Chancellor
the NATO–EU[1] symbiosis has had a built-in expansionist logic
[Es ist die biblische Logik, die in Zionismus als Paroxismus des Judaismus and in Faschismus als christlichen Paroxismus mündet.
‘Judaism… advocat[es] a virtually endless continuation of the extension of its worldly powers’, as ‘Hitler never stopped imagining further conquests_ India, Americas_ until he committed suicide’ (Kanzlerin Merkels Propaganda). ‘… fascist roots of Jewry precede Jewish roots of fascism… eineiigen Zwillingen Juden und Deutschen’ (Eine deutsche Art zu sühnen)]…
it has consistently pushed for NATO–EU expansion… military… command… Washington to London, Paris or Berlin
“Der Umbau der NATO und der UNO als Mittel der Machtausübung der westeuropäischen Länder und der USA gegenüber dem Rest der Welt ist in vollem Gange… Neue Feindbilder [finden] sich genügend…, um damit ordentlich Panik zu erzeugen”, wrote already Leipzigs Neue (16. Dez 1994)_ for example the self-made ‘red-scare’ in Juncker era as Prime Minister in Luxembourg (file: Jean-Claude Juncker). File GoGoogle: ‘Die westliche Welt… in einem… unbekannten Maße zusammengeschweißt’.
fuller subordination to USleadership under an expanded NATO
[“MOSCOW (AP) — Russia identified NATO as the nation’s No. 1 military threat” (Yahoo News Dec 28 2014).
“Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government” (Yahoo News May 04 2014).
‘Oliver Stone has harsh words for the CIA’s Ukraine policy… The Central Intelligence Agency contributed to the ouster of former president Viktor Yanukovych… [Yanukovych] was the legitimate President of Ukraine, until he suddenly wasn’t on Feb. 22 of this year,” wrote Stone… Stone believes the CIA contributed to violence at February protests in Ukraine that left more than 100 dead. “It seems clear that the so-called ‘shooters’ who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85, and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside third-party agitators,” he wrote.
“Many witnesses, including Yanukovych and police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions — with CIA fingerprints on it,” Stone continued.
Stone says that the truth about Ukraine hasn’t been told by the Western media.
“A dirty story through and through, but in the tragic aftermath of this coup, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea,’ whereas the true narrative is ‘USA in Ukraine,’ ” Stone wrote. “The truth is not being aired in the West.” (Yahoo News Dec 31 2014)].
The rebels were smoothly absorbed into the Parliament’s mechanisms for neutralization and depoliticization
national legislatures have become increasingly immune to pressure from below
The Europarliament is now a substantial institutional entity. It occupies over a million square metres in Brussels and employs some 10,000 officials, aides and translators, in addition to its 751 MEPs… Europarliament is further advanced… in terms of non-accountability and absorption into executive-administrative
[1]Vgl (Jean-Claude Juncker): ‘Nato… in 16 westeuropäischen Ländern geheime Guerillakommandos und Waffenlager’.
C.f. ‘EU-State’, ‘Geheimdienstlich kriminelle Vereinigung’, ‘Denn-sie-wissen-was-schmerzt’, ‘EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding‘, ‘European Court inadmissible’, etc. Also neben Mubarak ‘M&M’ und Ehud ‘Ehud&Angela’ (Eine deutsche Art zu sühnen), noch ein Liebling: ‘Jean-Clauude Juncker’, ‘Kanzlerin Merkels Propaganda’, ‘Christianisierung in drei Stufen’, ‘GoGoogle’, etc.