“On arriving for deportation prisoners were told to carefully label their luggage which would follow shortly. There were bizarre scenes of SS officers even helping Jewish deportees to label their possessions… Women were even given bars of soap to take into the showers [And then ‘the SS officers… picked from human ashes… gold bars smelted from tooth filings, wedding rings…’]” (Socialist Review London March 1994).
IHT, Sept 12 1996. “In… the infamous ‘Melmer Account’…, named for the SS officers who administered it, contained gold bars smelted from tooth filings, wedding rings and other personal effects taken from Holocaust victims_ sometimes picked from human ashes from death camp ovens”. (IHT, June 2 1998).
Himmler in his ‘Posener Rede’, 1943, to the SS-Führern: ‘Von euch werden die meisten wissen, was es heißt, wenn 100 Leichen beisammenliegen, wenn 500 da liegen oder wenn 1000 da liegen. Dies durchgehalten zu haben, und dabei_ abgesehen von Ausnahmen menschlicher Schwächen_ anständig geblieben zu sein, das hat uns hart gemacht. Dies ist ein niemals geschriebenes und niemals zu schreibendes Ruhmesblatt unserer Geschichte’.