‘Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran [‘Clerical Establishment’ (president Rouhani)]’: ‘… torture, rape, and killing of political prisoners, and the beatings and killings of dissidents and other civilians’ (Internet).
Folterer, Arschficker, Schläger und Killer im Dienst des klerikalen Establishments, und das mit Imamen geimpfte Volk gegen Menschenrechtsverletzung.
Religion. Gott. Ideologie der Gewalt. ‘Universal Declaration of the sacred and violence’ (MV-Sarafi-Shiraz). ‘Christian teaching… to crush men’s civic spirit, and make them endure humiliations uncomplainingly, so that destroyers and despots encounter too little resistance’ (Voltaire/Isaiah Berlin). In fascism as religious paroxysm: ‘heroism of subordination’ (Sühnegeld). Hitler: ‘Der Schuljunge muß lernen…, wenn nötig, Unrecht schweigend zu ertragen’ (WJ).
The executioners of beating, torture, rape, and killing as proxies for the sake of vicarious pleasure of the masters.
They lay the Ammame beside the bed, prepare for a Good Night of Sleep, close eyes and enjoy the sweet imagination of beating, torture, rape, and killing_, relax and start snoring. Cf. File Long arm.