Domestic State Terrorism The Cases of Sweden, Germany and Denmark, as repercussions of the criminal Austrian Cathlic Judiciary

Domestic State Terrorism
The Cases of Sweden, Germany and Denmark,
as repercussions of the criminal Austrian Cathlic Judiciary_ c.f. Österreich ovh

Iraj Schimi

Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa_ das Gespenst des Geheimstaats.

The world is certainly more unstable now that the Cold War is over. In every region of the world it seems that human rights are being rolled back… Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their crimes… They use sophisticated public relations techniques, lies behind lies… Plausible deniability is the new weapon in the secret policeman’s armory… Human rights abuses have not gone away. They have just gone further into the dark (Amnesty Secretary General Pierre Sané, The Observer, Dec 12 1993).

Die Justiz sei nicht in der Lage die Bürger vor unberechtigen Lauschangriffen der Polizei zu schützen” (Ilse Bechthold, Richterin, Spiegel 2/1994).

Die Polizei hat ‘bis heute nicht aufgehört… der Justizgewalt ihr eigenes Übergewicht aufzuzwingen’ (Foucault).

For some individuals, innocent before the law, the state nowadays has become the most dangerous, unpredictable enemy to be imagined.

You shall see my back; but my face shall not be seen…, for man shall not see me and live (Exodus 33:20,23).

Niemand kann erkennen und sich zugleich vor der Vernichtung bewahren (Jürgen Habermas).

Nicht der Schmutz, aber das Sehen des Schmutzes ist schmutzig.

Die Logik der Macht… Einschärfung von Nichtexistenz, Nichtkundgabe und Schweigenmüssen (Michel Foucault).

We do not quite overlook the revival of torture or even murder as a normal part of the operations of public security in modern states (Eric Hobsbawm).

The warring brothers of Europe meet intermittently at intergovernmental forums… to discuss harmonizing their policies. The Schengen Group prefers the notion of absolute barriers on all those from outside Europe, combined with no passport controls once inside, but backed up by internal security forces (Socialist Review Dec 1996).

Die vom Judentum übernommene [christliche] Ausschließlichkeit (Ernst von Aster).

Der Ausschließlichkeitsanspruch, dieses Mittel des Fanatismus, des menschlichen Hochmuts, der Selbsttäuschung durch den Machtwillen, dieses Unheil des Abendlandes (Karl Jaspers).

Der Ausschluß ist nicht genug. Obendrauf kommt Verfolgung und Vertreibung. Der christliche Staat ist ein Verfolgungsstaat: ‘Größere Bereitschaft [des Christentums] zu Verfolgungen’ (Bertrand Russell).

Sweden is the model surveillance society in the Western world… Swedes need to fight for their freedom. Other nations should regard it as an example of what might happen if they are not careful (David H. Flaherty: Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies).

Today… about 250,000, have… access to personal particulars (Gert Persson, a senior technical officer at the Swedish Data Inspection Board). Es ist der flächendeckende schwedische Faschismus.

Capitalism…, western radicals, socialists and communists… argued, could no longer afford the luxury of ruling through parliamentary democracy, and under liberal freedoms… The bourgeoisie now had to fall back on force and coercion, that is to say, on something like fascism (Eric Hobsbawm).

Mit poetischem Ton heißt die deutsche Wochenzeitung Die Zeit (18 November 1994) Schweden zu seinem Beitritt in die EU willkommen: “Seine demokratischen Traditionen und liberalen Vorsätze werden das politische Mosaik der Alteuropäer aufhellen”, und schließt mit: ‘Välkommen Sverige!’.
Unser Staatement lautet: Sverige, du verkörperst die fortschrittlichste Kriminalität der abendländischen Kultur. Der schwedische Staat ist ein menschenfresserischer Staat; Verbrechen, Sadismus und Obszönität stecken in seinem Gurgel.

Die Psychopathie unserer abendländischen Kultur insgesamt wie vor allem der Kultur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts ist der Wurzelboden für den sadistischen Staat, der besonders im 20. Jahrhundert seine schrecklichsten Erscheinungsformen findet…
Der Staat rechtfertigt das Gewissen, gewissenlos zu sein. Die Sphäre der Instinkte wird überschichtet von einer Staats-‘Ethik’, die nur darauf aus ist, den Staat als sadistischen Staat zu erhalten (Hermann Glaser: Der sadistische Staat).

Diese Demokratie ist das stärkste Hindernis für jede Veränderung geworden_ mit Ausnahme der Veränderung zum Schlimmeren… [Sie] ist dem Todestrieb in einer seiner brutalsten Formen ausgeliefert’ (Herbert Marcuse).

As for the Western way of life, it includes a great variety of elements, many highly admirable…, many criminal and even a threat to human survival (Noam Chomsky).

Es handelt sich um das feigste Verbrechen des schwedischen Staats und des deutschen Staats gegen einen isolierten Komponisten aus Dritter Welt. Pathologie, Wahn, Paranoia_

‘Paranoia…, Wahnsinn von Herrschaft und Unterdrückung’ (Horkheimer). Freud verweist auf die “Verschiedenheiten der disponierenden Fixierung”, die, im Falle des schwedischen und des deutschen Staats, in Form von Verfolgerswahnfixierung (eine kriminelle Disposition) unaufhebbar zu sein scheint_ “Wer einmal in der Black Box ist, kommt so schnell nicht wieder raus” (Jochen Bölsche): “Sie wissen”, so Freud, “wie schwer etwas untergeht, was sich einmal psychischen [oder ‘computerischen’] Ausdruck verschaft hat”: “Löschen ist für viele ein Tabu” (Bölsche). Cf ‘data in which I am imprisoned’ (Administrative Court of Appeal, Stockholm, July 15 (18) 2002)_,

die unmittelbaren Produkte des kapital- und gottorientierten EU-Staats_

“The EU has some very negative features. It has… elevated the competitive market above all other social… principles” (Michael Newman: Democracy, Sovereignity and the European Union); ‘Der christlich-westliche Staat ist nicht der Rechtsstaat, sondern Gottesstaat’ (File V- LKA Verf, Seite 8, July 02 2002)_,

werden vor dem Hintergrund des Rassenhasses und des dem Staat inhärenten Sadismus ins unverhüllte Verbrechen umgesetzt. Dem Tabugesicht jüdisch-christlichen Gottes entsprechend hat die gesetzgeberische Instanz einen ad hoc rechtsfreien Raum geschaffen: Verquickung des Geheimdiensts mit Institutionen, die sich der öffentlichen Kontrolle entziehen.

‘At best’, Szasz cites H.Ch. Lea, ‘the inquisitorial process was a dangerous one in its conjunction of prosecutor with judge… We cannot wonder that he [the inquisitor] speedily emancipated himself from the trammels of recognized judicial procedure which… would have rendered his labors futile’. Cf ‘trajectory of the Swedish state terrorism and destruction, the Swedish mode of secret inquisition’: ‘All over the globe, Agency operators have frequently maintained intimate working relations with security services that have consistently mistreated their own citizens’. The same pattern is used by the Swedish state for its own internal state terrorism under the pretext of ‘the prevention of terrorism’ (Swedish Court of Appeal).

Psychoterror, heimliche Einbrüche in die Wohnung und Stehlen, Verschwinden von Post und, wo nur möglich, Malträtieren als Outdoor-Terror, ergänzen den institutionell perpetrierten Indoor-Terror.

In Schweden, wo der Geheimdienst und die sozialen Institutionen… gänzlich entdifferenziert sind, wird das Einbrechen in die Wohnung und Stehlen auch direkt von hohen StaaatsbeamtInnen unternommen.

Eine zeitgerecht nahtlose Kontinuität der christlichen Praktiken in den EU-Gottesstaaten Schweden und Deutschland:

“Mit… Folter, Psychoterror, Berufsverbot und Zernsur verfolgte die Kirche über Jahrhundere Ungläubige und Dissidenten” (Der Spiegel (23/1998). “Lange Zeit haben religiöse Gruppen… die() Rolle der Disziplinierung der Bevölkerung gespielt…, doch der weitaus bedeutsamere Teil wurde ziemlich früh vom Polizeiapparat übernommen” (Foucault). “The technology of political control is a new type of weaponry. It is the product of the application of science and technology to the problem of neutralizing the state’s internal enemies. It is mainly directed at civilian population, and it is not intended to kill (and only rarely does). It is aimed as much at hearts and minds as at bodies” by “mounting stress imposed classically by physical means, but more and more recently by psychological ones” (The Technology of Political Control, Penguin Books). “Staff members sometimes suggested ways to break him down [once the PAS (Personality Assessment System) had identified a target], reasoning that by using a ratchetlike approach to put him under increased pressure, they might be able to break the lines that tied him to… his sanity”. A CIA-psychologist: ‘I was sent to deal with the most negative aspects of the human condition. It was planned destructiveness… [You] might start a minor rumor campaign against him. Harass him constantly. Bump his car in traffic. A lot of it is ridiculous, but it may have a cumulative effect’ (John Marks: The CIA and Mind control).

Die unrechtsmäßige Schnüffelei und Datensammlung der Polizei, wogegen die Justiz den Bürger nicht schützen kann, unterminiert den Status des Rechtsstaats genug. Die Vollstreckung des geheimpolizeilich (um der Prävention willen: ‘prevention or detection of crimes against national security’) gefällten Urteils seitens der Institutionen ist jedoch das vom Gesetzgeber heimtückisch und aus niedrigen Beweggründen vorprogrammierte Verbrechen_ eg File 250,000: ‘inbuilt destructive scheme’; (File V- LKA Verf, Seite 10, Aug 31): ‘im Drang zu immer niederträchtigeren Gewaltsamkeiten’.

Wie Gott das Gewissen der Menschheit darstellt, stellen die den Kern des ‘demokratischen’ Staats bildenden Personen vom Schlag Franz Six’, Reinhard Gehlens und Peter Waldenströms_ ‘Man beschäftigt sich viel zuviel damit, Institutionen statt Menschen zu analysieren’ (Glaser)_ das Gewissen der schwedischen und deutschen Nationen dar. A former Verfassungsschutz (The Office for the Protection of the Constitution) agent speaks of his former colleagues as “lupenreine Nazis” (who are entitled as part of the Ministry of the Interior to make, in divine fashion ‘back’, decisions in the dark): ‘Einige hatten nicht die Gesinnung, wohl aber das Erscheinungsbild geändert, andere nicht einmal das’ (Spiegel 37/1998).

Es ist ja von vornherein kein Rechtsstat, sondern Gottesstaat: Die “Vorstellungen vom Göttlichen… angefangen von der freien, unverantwortlichen Gewalt” (Bataille: Faschismus, Seite 32). Vgl also ‘Vergottung des Staates’ (File V- LKA Verf, Seite 10, Aug 31).

Domestic State Terrorism
The Cases of Sweden and Germany

Die kriminellste Seite des Staates ist seine göttliche Seite.

A government may be naked1 in relation to some of its subjects but not in relation to others (Bertrand Russell).

The real political task in a society such as ours is to criticize the working of institutions which appear to be both neutral and independent; to criticize them in such a manner that the political violence which has always exercised itself obscurely through them will be unmasked… Those apparently insignificant tricks… a set of physio-political techniques…, the political counterpart of the juridical norms according to which power was redistributed (Michel Foucault).

The force of this order lies not in repression, but dilution and neutralization; and so far, it has handled its newer challenges with equanimity (Perry Anderson2.

Born 1936 in Tehran, I studied 5 years medicine; came December 1959 to Vienna, studied music, later in Germany (Köln); worked as newspaper seller in the night, worked in the garage, as doorman in hotel, etc. As composer (New Music) I was performed in Western Europe, by World Music Days, music festivals, and with radio symphony orchestras, received a few prizes, did also some music theater and speaking theater (German language: performances in Vienna and in Germany). I have an Austrian passport, lived in Sweden for seven years (end of 1987- beginning of 1995), was permanent resident.

The following cases3, a fraction of what I had experienced internationally before I moved to Sweden, give the larger context of the events in Sweden and Germany against the ‘enemy’, that is a Third World isolated composer who was defenseless delivered to their destructive machinations. It has been under rare conditions that I have some proof. Otherwise nobody, myself included, could believe the extent of internationally exercised exclusion, mounting with the upsurge of neo-Nazism, nationalism and racism, from which international Zionism should not be omitted. Sweden, however, gave me the final coup de grâce.

Beside producing Volvo and Knäckebröd, Sweden produces underclass4 and renders high-tech expulsion. After I lost my house, I left ‘freely’ Sweden as regular refugees ‘freely’ leave their home_ leaving two third of my belongings, lost my identity as composer. Being heavily in debt, a pauper and homeless, good people in Denmark, this intellectual/artist family with a small child and a baby, gave me shelter in their very intimate family atmosphere5 (until the end of 2003. Thereafter I could afford own apartment), thanks to the genuine Swedish sadist-destructive state, backed up by its Big Brother, the German state, on the lap of the EU. Without this entente cordiale, without connivance of the alliance, the segregationist treatment of the Others only in one country won’t be easy.

Five letters during 6 months (Dec 28 1990 – July 02 1991) from Berlin, Spandau, from Oliver Steyer, a person I didn’t know6, who obsessively wanted to rent me a room, cheap, knew apparently my habits and preferences_

‘Das Zimmer liegt in einer 2. Zimmerwohnung mit Bad…, Zentralheizung… Es ist ruhig. Verkehrsmittel sind schnell zu erreichen. 20 Min. mit der U-Bahn in die City. Wald ganz in der Nähe. Eine Gegend mit… einem vortrefflichen türkischen Gemüseladen. Ein schöner Park gleich nebenan. Sollten sie daran ein Interesse finden, würde ich mich freuen. Auch wenn wir uns nicht kennen, möchte ich Ihnen für das neue Jahr alles Gute wünschen’ (28/12/90)_,

made his bidding more attractive as he didn’t hear from me from Sweden for 3 months_

‘Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen einmal melden, da unser letzter Briefkontakt im Januar lag und bisher nicht mehr ausgetauscht wurde… Im übrigen hatte ich mich in der Größe des Zimmers vertan. Es ist statt 20m2, 25m2’ (7/04/91). Later (19.06.91): ‘Der Boden ist mit Teppichboden ausgelegt’_,

wrote again after 7 weeks as he still didn’t hear from me again.

‘Hier ist nun meine letzte Nachricht an Sie. Da Sie mir durch keine Nachricht Ihr weiteres Interesse mitgeteilt haben, ziehe ich mein Angebot zurück’ (31/05/91).

I wrote him immediately after his first letter that I was happy_

it suited me. I am vegetarian, buy vegetable in Turkish vegetable shops in Germany (they have more sorts of vegetables and are cheaper) and jog_

about the offer and would make use of it whenever I am in Berlin. I have no copy of this letter. But I changed my opinion short thereafter and wanted to have nothing to do with him.
After his third letter, however, I changed my opinion again and wrote him. I realized an opportunity was given to me for the first time and I shouldn’t miss it: to prove to a third person that it is not solely a matter of renting room. This is now, after his fifth (last letter), hundred percent proved.

Up to then I had disgusting experiences which I can not prove, except one case in Germany as a state ganster jumped over the fence of the garden of the house my girl friend and I were living at the time (1980)_ the motor of his Mercedes running, lights on, as we just came home (should be described in detail); later, among some strange occurances, four/five old pocket calendars of mine full of telephone numbers and notes disappeared from the house.

So, I wrote him, made my person more ‘attractive’ as I already was. From my two writings of June 12 and 27 1991:

Nach längerer Abwesenheit zurückgekehrt, finde ich Ihre Briefe. Ich beeile mich mit diesem Brief meine Vorschläge zu machen, da ich mich rasch entscheiden muß… Es eilt… Schreiben Sie mir bitte möglichst schnell (wenn es geht ausführlich) nach dieser Adresse, wie oben, es erreicht mich.
Meine Bedingungen…:
Das Zimmer darf in meiner Abwesenheit von niemandem benutzt werden, da ich dort empfindliche Sachen wie Computer, etc. haben werde. Das Zimmer bleibt also verschlossen.
Preismäßig kann ich Ihnen DM 907 monatlich anbieten. Sie haben so dann jährlich über DM 900. Ihr Zimmer ist wenig benutzt.
Ist bitte da auch Kellerbenutzung dabei? Ein Keller, den Sie selbst nicht gebrauchen könnten. Es muß nicht groß sein. Zu dem werde ich auch eigenes Schloß haben.
Wenn Sie einverstanden sind, kann ich dann sofort meine Sachen, die unweit von Berlin sind, dort deponieren lassen. Es sind zwei größere Kisten mit eigenem Schloß… In den Kisten sind unwichtige Sachen…
Geht es, daß ich es mal auch durch elektrische Geräte8 (Halbpreis) die Miete begleichen kann?

Oliver Steyer: ‘Ich… bin darauf angewiesen Bargeld zu haben. Darum ist mir mit elektronischen Geräten nicht gedient’ (02 07 91).

He did not try to rent his room, 25m2, with carpet, central heating, rent DM 260, for six months to somebody else, wrote instead long letters to abroad to somebody he didn’t know and who had strange demands, and, in view of the difficult conditions to find accommodation in Berlin_

There had been shortage of accommodation in Germany, particularly in Berlin, and unusual high rents_

You see an ad in a Berlin newspaper, the rent is not high. You go there. 70 or more people are filling applications. Eine Bestätigung Oliver Steyers liegt vor: “Die Situation mit Wohnungen hier in Berlin ist katastrophal” (2/07/91). Der Spiegel (50/1988): “In der Bundesrepublik gibt es nicht genügend Wohnungen. Die neue Wohnungsnot trifft die unteren Einkommensschichten, viele können die geforderten Mieten nicht bezahlen”_,

not to speak of racism9, xenophobia and the complicated new demands of the landlords, who wanted to see your bank account, have references, proof of income, deposit of 3 months rent, address of the employer, and even some of them asking you to certify that in the last 5 years your property had not been auctioned_,

was bargaining over the cheap rent.

His reply to my writing:

‘Inzwischen ist es so, daß ich die Zeit für ein Jahr, oder mindestens 6 Monate, wie Sie vorgeschlagen haben10, permanent dort wohnen werde. Und so würde ich Ihnen gerne das doppelte, was ich Ihnen in meinem letzten Brief vorgeschlagen habe, als Miete zahlen’ (27 Juni 1991).


‘Ich kann meine Angebote nicht unterbieten und selbst Ihre Mietvorstellung von 180,- DM ist nicht realisierbar… Darum muß ich durch die Änderung des Sachverhaltes11 den Preis nach oben korrigieren. Dieser würde dann 260,- DM betragen… Natürlich ist im Preis Heizung eingeschlossen’ (2/07/91)_,

The man from Spandau agreed with my contradictory demands.

I wrote as I was supposed to stay there only occasionally: ‘Ich möchte mich dort bei Ihnen auch polizeilich melden’ (12 Juni 1991).

Answer: ‘Natürlich bin ich mit einer plizeilichen Anmeldung einverstanden’ (19.06.91).

As I was supposed to stay there permanent at least for one year: ‘Vielleicht ist es nicht notwendig, daß ich mich polizeilich melde… Mir ist es lieber, wenn ich mich nicht melde’ (Juni 27 1991).

Answer: ‘Es ist mir einerlei12 ob Sie sich polizeilich anmelden… Es freut mich natürlich, daß Sie länger hier wohnen möchten’ (2/07/91).

Up to his last letter he could still have asserted that it was in his interest to have a tenant who payed low rent_ DM 200 (7)_, but would be only sometimes there, which would compensate the low rent. This would have made his motivations reasonable. But after his last two letters it is clear that the tenant could live there permanent at least for one year (rent DM 260), but he didn’t try to rent the room for six months to somebody else, easily with much higher price, and wrote enthusiastic letters to abroad.

It was necessary to get this final decisive result. With this it is irrefutable to all eternity that there have been other motivations than renting room, hunting from Germany somebody in Sweden for six months. I didn’t go and he didn’t write anymore: He wrote after 3 months as he didn’t hear from me, then after 7 weeks again. But after his last letter (2/07/91), following my writing of June 27, announcing my immediate arrival in Berlin: ‘Bis bald’, he didn’t react anymore as I didn’t show up.

Immediately after his last letter I sent the whole correspondence to a lawyer in Berlin. He wrote (it is possible that his letter, among other things, has been stolen by Swedish or German security forces, since I don’t find it. I have also no control of my things since seven years (the present date February 2002). I live here only with a few dictionaries, a few scores, one computer and some clothes which were sent by some relatives. My things are deposited somewhere in Germany and have hitherto been steadily reduced), why, then, when I don’t want to rent a room, say I want. This is very logic. But by adhering to this kind of logic he misses the key issue in this correspondence: the apartment owner didn’t write me because he merely wanted to rent his room, and my motivation to write him has been precisely to get this proof. Without these two writings of mine, reinforcing his motivations and to move him to write further letters, it would have not been possible to get a hundred percent evidence which I dearly needed
After about two weeks or so there were a few times psychoterror in the street in Vittsjö (Southern Sweden) where I lived at the time. Terrors were carried out by Swedes and some Orientals_ presumably Iranians (to remind: I am Iranian born); also one scene in my jogging route in the woods. Thereafter I bought an ax stick and started to practice_ alternately with music work.

Sweden absorbs the intelligentsia through the lure of money and a high dose of megalomania_ the (serious) music scene is dominated by a cult of genius (some of those geniuses receive lifelong stipend + liefelong honor), where the ‘lower races’ have no entrance: ‘The Swedish bureaucracy was imbued with racist thinking and fantasies about the superiority of the ‘Nordic race’ (nlr Nov/Dec 1997)). “Neid und Fremdenhaß sprießen”, so der Spiegel (37/1994) über Schweden.

The EU concrete directives: “The warring brothers of Europe meet intermittently at intergovernmental forums… to discuss harmonizing their policies… The Schengen Group prefers the notion of absolute barriers on all those from outside Europe, combined with no passport controls once inside, but backed up by internal security forces” (Socialist Review, Dec 1996).

“Widespread and wide ranging outrage followed the shooting dead of Jean Charles de Menezes by the police on a London underground train at Stockwell tube station on 22 July 2005. Concern and questions have rightly been raised about his death and the new ‘shoot to kill’ policy that now governs police use of firearms…

‘My heart goes out to the officer who killed the man in Stockwell tube station’ said “Lord Stevens former Met Police chief who introduced shoot to kill… He did not extend his sympathies to the family of Jean Charles de Menezes” (SW 30 July 2005)..

Since 2000 there have been 14 fatal shootings by police”. Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police commissioner_

the counterpart of Peter Waldenström, Chief Superintendent of the Swedish Security Service, acting in reality as Chief-criminal, Super-terrorist, torturer, sadist and thief_,

who “was taking action to try to block an inquiry by the Independent Police Complaints Commission” (SW 27 Aug 2005), said “that this may happen again”.

It happended before too: “A botched surveillance operation. Failure to identify the main suspect. Seven shots to the head at close range and an innocent man lies dead… This isn’t the case of Jean Charles de Menezes, but that of Azelle Rodney, a young black man killed by armed police in west London on 30 April. The disturbung similarities don’t stop there. After Azell’s death false rumours started appearing in the press…”. Also “the way they carried out surveillance, the way they took someone down when they had ample time to arrest or restrain him” (SW 27 Aug 2005).

The policy of ‘shoot to kill’ “is a violation of the ‘presumption of innocence’_ the most fundamental principle of British law_ and is contrary to all international human rights standards… As has happened in previous cases there has been a pattern of misinformation put into the public domain about Mr de Menezes_ information that seeks to imply he is somehow to blame for his own death and to justify the decision to shoot” (Helen Shaw, SW 13 Aug 2005). ‘The suspect’s clothing and behavior’, said Ian Blair, ‘added to our suspicions’ (SW 27 Aug 2005). As it turned out “he was wearing a blue denim jacket” (ibid) and he didn’t act suspicious_ he had no reason to do so; it was merely police disinformation. Apart from the ridiculous argument to shoot somebody dead because of his clothing or ‘behavior’!, it is the ‘political climate’_

“Let us be clear, it is ultimately the government’s responsibility for creating the political climate in which his killing took place” (SW 30 July 2005)_,

which pushes down the threshold of killing-instinct, bringing it to a minimum, so that anything and nothing could incite the atrocity.

“Jean Charles de Menezes… could have been stopped by police at any time after he left his home… Instead he was followed and shot dead” (SW 30 July 2005): From the house door to the bus stop, in the bus, after getting off from the bus and going to the subway, all the way armed secret police was accompanying him. They certainly didn’t want to find out anything_ they only wanted to kill! “Besessen von dem Gerücht… projiziert auf Menschen, die sie für minderwertig und verachtenswert hielten… Sie wollten hinein und töten” (Gruen beschreibt eine Episode in Amerika, worauf wir hier nicht näher eingehen).

‘Der Governeur… hatte das Stürmen des Gefängnises befohlen’ (Gruen, ibid)_ weigerte sich für andere Alternativen: The sole option: ‘this may happen again’!

Comparing it structurally with the case in our discourse, it has been more gruesome what Swedish state did to me. Jean Charles de Meneze didn’t know what was in store for him: Plain clothes (invisible) armed state thugs wanted to kill him. I knew that I was in danger, very aware of it. Hence my request:

‘I appreciate and welcome any inquiry, any questioning by Länsstyrelsen in any issue however intimate or delicate it might be_ I’ll come there happily to show papers, answer questions’ (April 15 1994 to Åse Persson). Wie der Governeur sich weigerte ‘an den Verhandlungen für eine friedliche Einigung … teilzunehmen’ (Gruen, ibid)_ ’Besessen von [ein]em Gerücht’, das ich nie erfahren werde_, weigerte sich der verbrecherische schwedische Staat auf meine Bitte einzugehen.

It is as if Jean Charles would have gotten aware of what was going on and would have stopped by himself, saying to the killers: ‘look, this jacket I have on is not so thick as you have it in your dirty mind.

‘Das Bedürfnis nach einem Feind kommt aus einer Tiefe, die nichts mit der äußeren Realität zu tun hat. Und es schafft sich Bilder, die die schlimmsten Greuel rechtfertigen’ (Arno Gruen: Der Wahnsinn der Normalität, Seite 137). Oder wie es bei Horkheimer und Adorno heißt: ‘Der als Feind Erwählte wird schon als Feind wahrgenommen’.

It is the policy of the government_

Es sind die rassistischen EU-Gottesstaaten: “The ‘second class’ and ‘non-citizens’ it [the EU] has created” (Michael Newman: Democracy, Sovereignity and the European Union, page 172)_

you are possessed of that you see my jacket being dangerous. Look…’, and he would take off his jacket and throw it in front of them. ‘Look, I have no explosives. Do you want me to take off my shoes, my pants… Do you…’, and they pull their guns and fire “seven bullets into his head” (SW 27 Aug 2005). This is precisely the criminal bloodthirsty Swedish state! Oh, yes! All inspired by the ‘back’ of the majesty: Hintern, Hinterhalt, hinterhältig. Divine anality: fundament of the Gottesstaat. They don’t like to warn before shooting. They certainly don’t like to be warned too: please don’t shoot…, here you see…, and bang, dead! If they warn or allow to be warned the divine criminality_ the Großverbrecher ‘is pleased with carnage’_ is thwarted!.

“The god of the Bible… is pleased with carnage” (Paul N Siegel: Religion and Power Across the World, page 2).

“Go now and fall upon the Amalekites and destroy them, and put their property under ban. Spare no one; put them all to death, men and women, children and babes in arms, herds and flocks, camels and asses” (I Samuel 15:3). “Probably the extremes of savagery… are in the earliest histories, in the Bible. I suppose that in the entire literary canon there is nothing that exalts genocide with such fervor and dedication and enthusiasm as the commandments of the warrior God to his chose people” (Noam Chomsky: Rogue States, 2000, page 158): His descendants, ‘the warring brothers of Europe’, have copied also HIS trickery appearance with the ‘back’: ‘backed up with internal security forces’: niederträchtig, verlogen und sadistisch, exemplarisch das SchwedischDeutsche.

Responsibility and guilt are divinely removed_ schon ”in der Taufe die Sündenvergebung empfangen” (Harnack/Fromm: Christusdogma, Seite 41). Im Christentum: “So hoch steht nämlich die Lehre Christi, daß alle Pflichten und sittlichen Bande dagegen gleichgültig sind” (Hegel). Wie im Faschismus: Der ‘Führer ist alles” (Mitscherlich).

Sweden gives Nobel prize for peace, but Sweden is in reality an arms exporting country_ “Peace-loving Sweden is doing a brisk trade arms” (Newsweek, 9 April 1991)_

“SIPRI data show that, according to 1985-89 aggregate exports, Sweden is the 9th largest exporter of major arms in the world” (Masako Ikegami-Andersson: The Military-Industrial Complex, Uppsala University, 1992)_:

“high profits resulting from a war drive” (Sparks and Cockerill: Goodbye to the Swedish miracle, in International Socialism 51, 1991, page 95). Sweden, Remaining ‘neutral’ in the war_ “Die hochgelobte Neutralität während des Zweiten Weltkrieges muß mittlerweile in anderem Licht gestellt werden” (SZ 21 Juli 1998)_, not only prolonged the war (Spiegel 12.5.1997: “Schweden [auch die Schweiz haben] mit ihren Geschäften dazu beigetragen, den Krieg zu verlängern”) because of its gold fever for Nazi gold (“die Geschäfte mit dem Nazigold”), coming partly ‘from the dental fillings of death camp victims’_

IHT, Sept 12 1996. “In… the infamous ‘Melmer Account’…, named for the SS officers who administered it, contained gold bars smelted from tooth filings, wedding rings and other personal effects taken from Holocaust victims_ sometimes picked from human ashes from death camp ovens”. (IHT, June 2 1998)_,

but is to be also held accountable for “die Todeslisten mit den Namen von Juden in Schweden, (und) die Auslieferung norwegischer Widerstandskämpfer an die Gestapo” (SZ, ibid), and, we add, for the sterilizations of “as many as 60,000 of its citizens… Its chilling similarities to Nazi idea of racial superiority”_

“The Swedish bureaucracy was imbued with racist thinking and fantasies about the superiority of the ‘Nordic race’… 63,000 Swedes, 40,000 Norwgians and 6,000 Danes had been sterilized. The sterilizations were motivated both by racist thinking on eugenics and, later, by economic motives_ poverty was seen as caused by genetic inferiority” (Tor Wanneberg: Sterilization and Propaganda, new left review, Nov/Dec 1997)_

and “a matter of record” was still practiced “three decades after the human–engineering policies of the Nazis”.

‘Maria Nordin, 72, told… that she had been sterilized in 1943 because she was considered to be mentally inferior. She said one day the school superintendent told her to come to his room and sign some papers. ‘I understood what this was about’, she said, ‘so I ran into a toilet and sat there and cried for a long time for myself’ (IHT, August 27, 1997).

These realities_ by the “strike in the Ådalen Valley in the spring of 1931…, soldiers shot down five workers” (Sparks and Cockerill, International Socialism 51, 1991)_ reflect the true nature of the Swedish rulers. Die Süddeutsche Zeitung berichtet detailliert wie eine Neonazizentrale, für die Dänemark “ein heißes Pflaster geworden ist”, sich im südlichen Schweden niedergelassen hat und als “‘Lieferant in Sachen Haß’ faschistisches Propagandamaterial” verbreitet. “Offen wird Mord und Totschlag propagiert… Briefbombenattentat auf die Kopenhagener Zentrale der Internationalen Sozialisten”, wo ein Mensch ums Leben kam, “Morddrohungen gegen dänische Linksintellektuelle”. Dazu machen die schwedischen Behörden keine Anstalten: Sie “legen die Hände in den Schoß” (SZ, 07 August 1998).

“Swedish and visiting nazis have looked upon the Swedish authorities as a soft touch, and have carried out murders, armed robberies and violence with impunity. Sentences are often laughably short” (International Searchlight, Jan 2000). IHT Dec 01 1999: “Sweden’s four main daily newspapers… published an unprecedented and coordinated front-page warning… of extremism… The warning was prompted by the murder of a prominent trade union leader in October after he complained that right-wing extremists were trying to subvert his union”. Danish newspaper Socialisten Weekend Jul 2 1999: “Nazi-terror i Sverige: Bombenattentat mod svenks familie er kulminiationen på flere års terror mod anti-nazistiske journalister”. As 1991 racist shooting and killing in the streets of Stockholm became the daily agenda, for a considerable time Swedish authorities, especially the ministry of justice, preached ‘free opinion’. The juxtaposition of these realities and what we describe in this writing, as Swedish state, underground and institutional, hurled its criminal dirty weight at an isolated composer, highlights the reality of the Swedish ‘democracy’.

Sweden is an elitist ruled country_ “a relatively meritocratic state such as Sweden” (S. Andreski: Parasitism and Subversion, page 176)_ with huge hiatus on the level of knowledge and life quality between a small elite and the bulk of population that are being taken cared paternalistic.

In der Tat nimmt der schwedische Staat “ihre Bürger von der Wiege bis zur Bahre an die Hand” (Spiegel 37/1994). The same also according to IHT (Aug 11 1998): the “cradle-to-grave care of their own citizens”. ‘Alles ist auf Gott bezogen, auch das Verhältnis der Menschen zueinander…, weil sie alle Kinder Gottes [sind]… [“Kind Gottes, Bürger seines Reiches” (Hegel, Seite 452)] auch das Verhältnis des Menschen… zum Staat…, weil alle Autorität… von der Autorität Gottes gesetzt… ist” (Ernst von Aster: Geschichte der Philosophie, Seite 110, 112). Vgl ‘Gottesstaat’, und: ‘Die christliche Welt hat kein… Außen’. From my writing of July 15 2002 to the Court of Appeal, Stockholm: ‘Sweden is a dangerous, closed society and all threads lead to the secret state” as the divine umbrella: ‘Es vollzieht sich alles unter der umgreifenden Gotteshaube als der ‘schöne(n), große(n), gute(n) Ordnung’ (C.F. von Weizsäcker: Bewußtseinswandel, Seite 208)_ wahr für die gottverbündeten Kapitalhaber: “Wir leben derzeit in der besten aller Welten”. Diese Meinung gab einer der Chefs des Deutschen Investment-Trust” (Sahra Wagenknecht: Kapital, Crash, Krise).

Packed in clean clothes, they are kept through vast propaganda and a vast secret police network under iron control and in a state of permanent hallucination. Levels of average Swedish stupidity must be the highest in Europe. Sweden is a puritan country_

Unter dem Titel: “Die Nackte auf dem Telefonbuch reizte Schweden zum Protest”, schreibt Hannes Gamillscheg (Kopenhagen) in Frankfurter Rundschau (8 April 1992): “Die Rückansicht einer Nackten, zärtlich umarmt von einem Faun, einem Waldgeist, erregte die Bürger in… Falun… Solche gewagte Kunst ziemt sich nicht für die öffentliche Druckwerke…, meint zumindest Viola Östlund, die in Harnisch fuhr… Der Lokalzeitung ‘Falun-Kuriren’ (Auflage: 34000) sandte sie einen wütenden Leserbrief and forderte die anderen Leser auf, ihre Meinung zu sagen. 7000 schlossen sich dem Protest an. Ein paar Pastoren drohten, die anstößigen Telefonbücher öffentlich zu verbrennen”. No serious threat to life, no racist killing, no pogrom, no war, can motivate proportionally so many apolitical, unorganized ‘normal’ people to protest. “Im Kampf gegen sexuelle Freizügigkiet anderer tobt der Zwangscharakter die eigene verdrängte Sexualität aus” (Josef Rattner: Tiefenpsychologie und Politik, Einführung in die politische Psychologie)_

with institutionalized obscenity.

About the encroachment of Åse Persson upon my apartment as I was on trip and that she took things from my apartment which she gave back as I returned, we bring here an analysis by Rattner: Es “ist die Sexualproblematik”, die “zu vielen zwanghaften Abwehrmechanismen” führt, “von denen… Obszönitätenschnüffelei… eindrücklich hervor(trit)”. Glaser points to “Obszönität” als “für die im Namen der Norm geführten Abwehrmaßnahmen”, and N.O. Brown points to “neurotic symptoms with their fixation on perversions and obscenities”_

Vgl (13 also main text): Åse Persson’s ‘Obszönitätenschnüffelei’…, ‘the libido-laden th of Kållberg’, ‘ten seconds very loud and uninterrupted laugh cramp of Margareta Jansson’, ‘feet of one of the music bosses… on the table’. Das riesige nach dem Verschwinden von ‘U-Booten’ frei gewordene Agentenkontingent wird nun u.a. für die Jagd auf Männer eingesetzt, die Prostituierte besuchen: “Sex gegen Bezahlung ist neuerdings strafbar” (Spiegel 13/1999). “Je mehr Staat und Gesellschaft sich bemühen, die Sexualität ihrer Individuen zu vergesellschaften”, so Hermann Glaser (Der sadistische Staat)”, “d.h. nach bestimmten Normen auszurichten, um so stärker wird das Bedürfnis nach Obszönität”_,

die der schwedische Gesetzgeber_

dieser vertrickste Sozialingenieur, durch Koppelung von staatlichen Institutionen mit dem Geheimdienst, wo der schwedische Faschismus getarnt wirkt (allegiance of 250,000)_,

zugleich hervorruft, ausbeutet und befriedigt_ durchweg sadistisch-destruktive Züge, die sich in der Verwaltung auf den Wink des Geheimdiensts über das Opfer ergießen:

“One of the most common types of transgression against ethics nowadays is bureaucratic intrigue” (S. Andreski: Social Sciences as Sorcery).

Es sind die Sexualtriebe, “die in hohem Maße verschiebbar, verdrängbar und modifizierbar sind, das heißt bei Nichtbefriedigung sich in pathlogischen Symptom-, charakter- und Ideologie-Bildungen Ersatz suchen”. Gerade diese ‘Sexualtriebe’ als “das psychologische und psychopathologische Potential (machen) sich die faschistische und imperialistische Ideologie zunutze” (Michael Schneider: Neurose und Klassenakmpf)_ hier kommen sie den politisch-paranoischen Zwecken des schwedischen Staats zu_

“Der Begriff der Paranoia”, so Horkheimer, “verweist auf den Wahnsinn von Herrschaft und Unterdrückung und allgemeiner auf alle Gesellschaftssysteme, die dazu neigen, Menschen nur als Mittel und niemals als Zweck zu betrachten”.

“A declaration of war by the paranoid ruling classes on the rest of us” (Pat Stack SW 28 May 2005).

From my writing of October 25 1993 to Kållberg:

– By a telephone conversation June 23 1992, Flodin denied first to have received my writing.
– July 28 1993, early in the morning in the bus-stop in Viattsjö, Kållberg denied the receipt of two times mail from me.
– Flodin confirmed in this telephone conversation after a few minutes the receipt of my writing as follows: “They said there has been a letter in English”.
– Kållberg confirmed after a few hours the receipt of two times mail so: “Thank you for your letters of July th and July 13th”.

From my writing of October 25 1993 to Kållberg:

The [monthly payment of] SK 1800 goes to the bank_ thanks to its supporters in Hässleholm’s socialkontoret.

In this writing I referred to provoking behavior of Jerry Moses and degrading treatment I received from him; to ‘lies and deceptions, lies and denials, hypocrisy, aggression, impoliteness, humiliations, insults, ridiculing and scorn (note the ten seconds very loud and uninterrupted laugh cramp of Jansson as she heard about my damages13); tricks, infantilization, conspiracies, using double-bind technology, civil rights abuse, violation of privacy (the notorious ‘visit’ of Flodin with two companions_ driving 30 Km to my house without that I knew it in advance: descending upon me behind my sleeping room window while I was sleeping), cynicism, sadism and obscenities (think only of your naked th in your writing of July 28 93) which are to be seen as bureaucratic pogrom and institutional cannibalism’, and closed the writing with:

‘A comprehensive account to Länsstyrelsen will follow’.

As the reader already knows, I was trapped and cheated also by Länsstyrelsen (Åse Persson), what I didn’t know then.

About the end of 1989 I had an appointment with a woman who called me by Till Staumann in Berlin and we fixed the time and place to meet in Copenhagen, where, waiting for her, I was observed. By a short stay in London in this period I was observed too. By leaving London I was searched and questioned in the airport, before taking me for thorough search to the cellar where my seabag which I had given an hour earlier to the check in was there: I had to take off my shoes, they checked carefully the content of my seabag, looked in my pocket calendar_ almost every page was checked. To my surprise a few thick packages, books I had bought in London, were not touched_ so they had been in the bookstore also behind me, I thought.
A few days before the incident in London airport I went to a bank and stood in a queue. A man came and stood behind me. I spontaneously left that queue and switched to the waiting queue of the neighboring counter. The man turned immediately and went straight to the exit and disappeared. All that to which I didn’t really pay attention very much at the time, I got aware much later as these seemingly incidental events were repeated.

Die Nacht zwischen 16 und 17 1997 verbrachte ich in der Jugendherberge in Stade (westlich von Hamburg). Als ich die Treppen runter kam und zum Früstücken in den Saal gehen wollte, wo alle waren, hinderte mich der Heimleiter daran und wies mit dem Finger auf den menschenleeren Saal daneben. Ebenfalls ein großer Saal mit Tischen und Stühlen. Nur ein Tisch war gedeckt. Für zwei. Kaum habe ich mich hingesetzt, kam eine junge Frau und setzte sich neben mich. Kein Wort. Nachdem ich meine Butter aufgegessen hatte, stellte mir die Dame blitzschnell den Rest ihrer Butter in meinen Teller. Dann kamen die ersten Worte. Als ich mein Teeglas ausgeleert hatte, nahm sie mein Glas, ging in die Küche und kam mit vollem Teeglas zurück, worauf ich mich bedankte. Am Vorabend fragte mich der Heimleiter ob ich Mitglied eines Jugendherbergsverbands bin, es käme dann, sagte er, billiger. Ich zeigte ihm einen alten Jugendherbergsausweis, den ich wenige Jahre zuvor, als ich in Englad herum reiste, benutzte. Er behielt diesen Ausweis, sagte aber, daß er nicht galt. Meinen deutschen Aufenthaltsausweis gab er mir zurück. Diese Szene wiederholte sich schnell in meinem Gehirn, als mich abrupt die Frau fragte, ob ich in England gelebt hätte. Dann kamen andere weit hergeholte Fragen. Auf die Frage, für wen ich schreibe, antwortete ich dann laut: für niemand. Sie stand auf und verschwand. Kein Wort.

With the EU-formation it is only enough that in one country one of those back room think tanks deems a person as ‘enemy’; it spreads then instantly to the whole EU_ the allies! ‘Press-Diebstahl’ was perpetrated in Germany by Manfred Loelf in Grossenwörden (Northern Germany), and later in another EU country, in Denmark, by secret agents.
Der Gesamtinhalt meines Computers (rund 2500 Seiten) wurde in Deutschland vermittelst eines Mittlers, einem langjährigen pflichtbewußten (die Rede ist von ‘Anzeigepflicht’) Freund, der mir in meiner Obdachlosigkeit viel geholfen hatte, kopiert (von Andreas Loos in Oederquart, Norddeutschland, dem Freund meines Freundes)_ mit einem side effect über DM2000 Sachschaden (Staats-Sabotage); weil ich gesagt hatte, daß meine Schwierigkeiten vermutlich auf meine (nicht veröffentlichten) Schriften zurückzuführen sind. BS sagte einmal beiläufig: ‘Meine Gesundheit ist mir wichtiger, als ich mich dem Stress aussetze’.

‘Nur über die Beteiligung an der rituellen Vernichtung des anderen… gelangt der Mensch zur Mitgliedschaft im modernen Staat’ (Szasz).

All this must be explained in detail.

Bei einem kurzen Aufenthlat 1990 in Berlin, wohnte ich privat bei einer Frau. ‘Du mußt morgen früh weggehen’, sagte sie, ‘da der Hausverwalter zeitig die Wohnung besichtigen will’. Ich ging ins Café Hardenberg, wo ich gern Kaffee trinke und Zeitung lese. Es war viel zu früh und da waren vielleicht zwei oder drei Gäste. Ich ließ Tasche und Mantel auf meinem Sitzplatz und ging die Stufen hoch in die Tiolette. Nach der ersten Tür ist das Waschbecken. Nach der zweiten kommt das Pissoir. Dann ist die Tür zur Tiolette. Ich war gerade im Begriff die Tiolette zu verlassen, als es laut krachte: die erste, dann die zweite Tür, und der Bärtige von der Theke, außer Atem, stürtze sich wie verrückt in die Toilette. Er guckte sich einige Sekunden lang in der Toilette um und ging wieder.

“Aussteigerprogramm für Top-Neonazis… Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz hat Innenminister Otto Schily (SPD) ein entsprechendes Konzept für das ‘Herausbrechen von Führungspersonen’ vorgelegt. Danach sollen Experten rechte Schlüsselfiguren ansprechen… Das Amt überlegt mit ‘Finanzhilfen’ den Ausstieg zu erleichtern_ und bei der Suche nach einer Wohnung und einem Arbeitsplatz behilflich zu sein. Mit Kosten bis zu 100,000 Mark pro Fall rechnet der Dienst… Schily: ‘Wenn jemand aussteigen will, muß es dem Staat jede Mühe Wert sein’.

“Nazism rewarded… State cash for nazi activists… Two social workers have been appointed to help the defectors and £700,000 has been allocated to the Niedersachsen program” (Searchlight April 2001).

Eine 10- bis 15-köpfige ‘Beratungs- und Interventionsgruppe gegen Rechts’ (BIG) wird derzeit beim Landeskriminalamt in Stuttgart aus Polizeipsychologen, Pädagogen und Staatsschützern aufgebaut. ‘Wir gehen gezielt auf die zu, die wir kennen’… So wurden… bisher 324 rechte Sympathisanten von Beamten zu Hause aufgesucht” (Spiegel 8/2001). Indes, in Deutschland werden die deutschen Faschisten in der Regel als zuverlässige, treue, echte Deutschen wahrgenommen.

A plain corollary to this rationale of the Federal Republic is in order to come into possession of those benefits one has to be or become a top neo-Nazi.

Compare this ‘fighting’ of the German government against the brains behind the scenes of murder and antisocial acts_ “The total [of Hate Crimes] was 15,951, an increase of 59 percent over the previous year” (IHT March 3-4, 2001)_ with the collaborative Swedish-German fight against a composer.

The insidious, underground, undeclared war of the Swedish and German states against an isolated 3. World composer is not so heroic, clever, or, as the modern democratic state may think of itself, its strength, but its deffect and coward crime.

The difference is between supportive, benevolent inclusion of violent forces and violent, destructive exclusion of an innocent_ destroyed by means of Swedish-German secret data network_

“Gigantischer Datenpool über AusländerInnen: Wenn es um das Aushorchen von MigrantInnen geht, sind den deutschen Behörden kaum Schranken gesetzt. Datenfutter liefert das Ausländerzentralregister (AZR) in Köln”. Es gibt offenbar “zwei Daten-‘Schutz’regelungen nebeneinander… Eine ‘echte’ für Deutsche und eine ‘vorgetäuschte’ für MigrantInnen… Daten nach Köln übermitteln müssen laut Ausländerzentralregister alle bundesdeutschen Ämter, sobald sie mit Nichtdeutschen in Berührung kommen… Das Ausländerzentralregister habe die MigrantInnen zu einer gläsernen Masse degradiert… Auf das AZR haben ‘befreundete’ Geheimdienste Deutschlands Zugriff” (taz, 22 Sept 1995)_,

coupled with institutions (site of ‘political violence’) as information terrorism through encrypted code of mistreatment: ‘trajectory of the Swedish state terrorism and destruction’ (cf Administration Court of Appeal).

Unusual, troublesome problems with two banks in Berlin. With very much difficulities and many long distance calls a money transfer arrived after long time: I had to go a few times to the bank and run to the telephone to call abroad and again back to the bank which asked new questions and I had to call abroad to get the answers… it was combined with massive observations in the street and near the phone booth in Bahnhof Zoo. Once I lost my control and attacked one of them. I kicked him three times as he passed me. Only the second time he looked back. As I took the train to Sweden_ by the first stop after only a few minutes, still in Berlin, I was alone in one compartment_, a man came and said: ‘Zollkontrolle, haben Sie Geld mit?’. He took my passport and disappeared, came back with my passport after 15 minutes, causing a delay. The money which was sent had not arrived for long time, as mentioned. After very much trouble (I had to go to another city, stay in hotel, go then to Sweden, come back to Berlin and do many long distance calls, which cost me an unnecessary DM 600) the bank said the money had been arrived in time (long time ago) but my name had been missing! It was but sent to my account number… A lady in the bank who had opened for me the account number asked: ‘Was war los?’. I said my name had been missing. “Na so was!”, she said. The Deutsche Bank didn’t give me any paper, handed over only the money: One of the bank questions which I had to ask abroad by telephone was: ‘How much money ‘exactly’ was sent?’.
In the second case I had to contact a lawyer in Berlin. Again very much trouble.

My house which I had to sell because of economic pressure had been searched before Åse Persson’s break-in into my apartment, and small, not valuable, things had disappeared from the locked house (‘Press-Diebstahl’)_

In den 80ern hat Der Spiegel berichtet wie die V-Männer aufffallende Observationen ausübten. Sie haben nichts anderes gemacht, als jemanden auffällig zu beobachten. Sie haben ihn überall verfolgt_ bis zum Schwimmbad. Der Betroffene (Deutscher) hat dann seine Freunde mobilisiert, die dann ihrerseits die Beobachter beobachteten. Videoaufnahmen wurden hergestellt und die Schildnummer der Autos, durchweg Mercedes, notiert_ alle Verfassungsschützer. Es kam zum Gerichtsprozeß. Die Hochwürden meinten, daß diese Praxis doch einen ‘nervös’ machen kann! Weiter weiß ich nicht, was daraus geworden ist. Dazu auch dies: “Zur Einschüchterung benutzen die Bullen auch häufig die offene Observation. Tu ihnen in diesem Fall nicht den Gefallen, indem du panisch reagierst, denn genau das wollen sie erreichen” (Antifa Jugendfront, TIPS UND TRIX FÜR ANTIFAS). Der Fachausdruck dafür, den ich neulich gelernt habe, ist “‘Press-Observationen’, bei denen die Zielpersonen ihre Verfolger bemerken müssen”. Dadurch sollen sie “unter Druck geraten” (Spiegel 31/2000). Die anderen Varianten, denen wir in dieser Dokumentation begegnen, sind Press-Diebstahl, Press-Lügen, Press-Schweigen, Press-Tricks und -betrügereien, Press-Obszönitäten, Press-Erniedrigung, Press-Sadismus usw. Der verbrecherische schwedische Staat hat ‘Press-Observationen’ zum Psychoterror avanciert_ also mit Auto wie in Jokkmokk: In Jokkmokk (in the very northern of Sweden), about an hour after my arrival_ leaving my luggage in a private rented room provided by the tourist office_, I went for a walk. A car followd me, in a manner not to be misunderstood: in a wide street, nobody else present, inside of it two men who made gesticulations and irrational movements with arms while the car moved very slowly in my walking speed, as close as possible to me. It moved then suddenly very fast, but went only a few dozens meters, made a U-turn and used then by passing me the horn_,

also a computer disk from the bank safe during the Gulf crisis. My room in the youth hostel, in Gällivare, was searched. Observations, also in Germany, psycho terror in Sweden_ also with car behind me, I was put under boycott, had troubles with library and with 4 banks_ in one case I turned to Finansinspektionen who rebuked the Handelsbanken.

Most of the lawyers I contacted didn’t want to get involved in matters like bank troubles; the street, ie outdoor terror, which horrified them and they refused to listen to it at all; and the lies and mistreatments by the institutions, the indoor terror: ‘I don’t deal with that kind of stuff’. In a conversation with a man I met by travelling in the train, he suggested to look for a flexible lawyer. For long time my problem had been how to find a ‘flexible’ lawyer. I turned eventually to Länsstyrelsen, recommended by a lawyer in Hässleholm. After the Länsstyrelsen’s invasion of my apartment I went to Stockholm to a (by Amnesty International recommended) lawyer Jan B. T., Attorney in Law, Stockholm, who apparently was familar with the kind of treatments and the stroy, which I had sent him before, had caused him great stress. He said a few times_ my impression was that he got very nervous, starting almost to tremble_ ‘mishandling, mistreatment’; said he could not fight against Länsstyrelsen. I had also another problem with an institution in Kristianstad which didn’t want to answer me about 10 months. I paid this lawyer SK2,000 to write one letter. The institution answered short thereafter. The same was with the Handelsbanken which refused to react to my altogether 7 letters during two and a half years until I found a lawyer who advised to appeal to Finansinspektionen. He said after some hesitations: “I’ll write only one letter and then do nothing”. I agreed. He wrote the letter and the problem was solved within short days.
In Germany I consulted lawyers (1994-95). In Berlin a lawyer said cases like that have come to light in recent years. There is nothing could be done. He advised to make the case public. I contacted a social worker in North Germany who said, she knows similar cases. ‘The victims cannot prove anything’, she said.

As my financial situation came to almost zero I contacted the social agency (socialkontoret), and as the first appointment with the socialkontoret was fixed for March 18 1992, a chic German woman, Jana Gerntke, who lived about 50 Km far from Vittsjö, came a few days before that date to my house to sell me electrical appliances.

One of the smallest houses in this area which is not easily visible if somebody is not looking for it. Because of the trees and bushes one can not see it good enough from the street. It goes also a bit downhill. In the first few days after my moving I passed the path at least two times. The second time, coming from shopping, I passed the path about 10-20 meters, got aware and turned back. In this very moment a man was coming out from the path_ that is out of the garden of my bouse_ with a large cylinder shape leather bag. Unliekly from the electic company, I thought, since the electricity had been read many weeks before as the owner of the house put it for sale. However, be it as it may, when I wanted to give the address to somebody, I said when you turn to the street, it is the second house on the right hand side. But when you see the second house, it is in reality the third house. The second house is in betweeen, about 40 meters from the street, look for it through the trees. In this area there are not many houses and most of them are summer houses, some belong to Danish people who use them little in summer; I bought this house also from a Danish family.

I said I was interested in a used refrigerator up to SK500 and wanted to give her my mailing address since I had no telephone, so she could write me when she had one. She said it was not necessary, she will come by. I said, you come so long way and perhaps I am not home. She said it doesn’t matter she can leave a note and come again. She said, she was from Hamburg. I said I have lived in Germany. She said ‘ach, Deutschland ist nix’. As I was speaking about Hamburg and she could not follow, she said, she was from East Germany. She asked: ‘With which political group do you work?’ Asked what text I write; took hastily a map from my desk, opened it. She gave her address and telephone number: ‘ruf mal an’. Providing her, likely a former Stasi agent, the continuation of her job, is no proof Sweden is open to all professions.

There had been extensive observations after I moved to the house in Vittsjö in May 1990. At the beginning there were men and women between 30 and 50 years old who took their job very serious. Then, as my danger seemed to be not immediate, there were old, retired men. About one year at the beginning as I went with bike to the center in Vittsjö_

whenever I went, on different weekdays or in different daytime, after about one third of the way a motorcyclist came and passed. Summer or winter, hooded. I never saw his face. Such a puzzling coincidence, I thought at the beginning_,

in a road where you meet very seldom a human being or any traffic. I got so used to him that as he sometimes was late, I heard myself muttering, my friend is missing me today. Hardly a few seconds and there was the familiar bzzzz…, came and passed, as harmless as always. In Hässleholm, I often chased men or women (one of them a female version of 007) who observed me. In one case I followed a man in Hässleholm for 10-15 minutes_

I was going from the market place to get the bus to Vittsjö. For reasons unclear to myself I turned suddenly. In a distance of 40 meters or so a man who had been moving behind me in the same direction turned immediately as well and stood still. That’s it. I proceeded then in the opposite direction I was going_ that is toward him. After a few seconds he, under my sharp focus, turned very slowly on the spot, seeing me face to face. He turned immediately, that is for the third time, and started to walk in the same dirction as I_ this time I behind him_

as he went from one shop window to another. Infront of every shop window I was behind him blowing behind his neck at 5 centimeters distance or less, moving a bunch of hair behind his neck. He did not react.

Swedish state, waged an undeclared underground war against me I was for long time not aware of.
The first time I contacted (by meeting or telephone) any authority who had no information about me, I was treated kind and polite. It was but drastically changed by the second contact: noncommittal, evasive answers, rejection, avoidance of contact14. Some Swedish authorites denied to have received my letters15, in one case my letter, without being opened, was sent back_ by an authority (Weronika Stridh) who was by the first (and last) meeting extremely kind and supportive. She gave me the honor to accompany me not only to door of her room, but also through the corridor to the outside door.

From my writing of August 02 1993 to Åse Persson:

Please find enclosed the ‘Bor ej Ek’ [lives not here]: Sending back my letter to Weronika Stridh [it was sent ot her office address on her card which she gave me]… By my meeting with her, June 11 92, Ms Stridh was extremely nice and friendly. She showed anger about things I told her [mistreatment by the authorities]… She called immediately Socialkontoret and rebuked them… At the end of the meeting she said that she was ashamed of what had happened’.

In that letter I referred to the “all-embracing, influentioal ‘pest'”

“Aus dem Hinterhalt oder aus einem wohlgeschützten Büro irgendeiner Abteilung einer Verwaltungsbehörde… Wenn die Pest tötet, tötet sie aus niedrigen Motiven” (W. Reich, siehe also LKA 18 Nov).

Referring to transgression of the law by the ‘socialkontoret i Hässleholm’, repealing the judicial boundaries between the client and the administrators (in the course of connection between secret service and the institutions), where a moral, religious, racial, psychological, political, philosophical confrontation of the administrator and the client is inevitable, I wrote April 29 1993 to Åse Persson:

‘As far as I am informed, at least since Kant, moral and law ought to be separated. If these two fields are not strict separated, offences against Human Rights cannot be prevented; crime from the side of the institutions against individuals and minority groups can not be avoided’. Cf (File V- LKA Verf, Seite 9, July 02 2002): ‘Es gefällt dem heiligen Geist und uns’.

From my writing of April 29 1994 to Åse Persson:

Now it is 8 months (from first of September 1993) that I am in Färlöv. My situation hasn’t gotten more clear than before. It has gotten additionally also more difficult_ my piano away and so on…
Please do whatsoever could be done by Länsstyrelsen to achieve some certainty about my status so that I can make a decision and choose a way of life on the basis of that certainty. Please write about this end of May_ in May I am not reachable.
It cannot go on like this anymore.
With my thankfulness for your ceaseless kind efforts!
With heartily greetings!

Not only a violent silence was the response, but precisely in May Åse Persson invaded my apartment as I was on trip.

A few minutes after my return from Greece to Färlöv, which is about 15 Km from Kristianstad, I felt suddenly dizzy in my apartment: The locked suitcase I had put in the closet under a carton of books and some clothes was in the middle of the room and half open. The large envelop was gone. I left the apartment and hurried to the next pay phone. ‘Have you been in my apartment’?, asking Åse Persson in her office in Länsstyrelsen. ‘Did you take the envelop out of the suitcase?’. ‘Yes, but I didn’t open it’.

A famous vivisector used to take dogs with open abdomen into his sleeping room_ sleeping well. Åse Persson might have particularly slept well that night. Newman (page 164) points to the ‘growing racism’ so “that visible ethnic minorities were likely to be subjected to more controls, which might also be carried out in inhuman ways. The EP [European Parliament] also recognised this in its 1989 resolution, and in 1990 Michael Spencer summarised the position: ‘Black and ethnic minoirty groups…, are justifiably apprehensive… Even those who are citizens of an EC state will suffer after 1992, particularly if the abolition of internal border controls is accompanied by more stringent internal checks (by the police and others) on citizenship and immigration status. Raids on homes and workplaces, and identity checks in public places on non-white people [four times within short weeks my identity was checked by the police in the street in southern Denmark. Once I came out of a payphone and police car was waiting for me. The finfth time: I was waiting for train in the train station, a pliceman came toward me. I didn’t let him to open his mouth. I said, without changing my relaxed position on the bench: ‘I know, I know… I live five minutes from here’. He changed his direction and disappeared], could all increase as a result”. This ‘and others’, in addition to secret police, means in Sweden provincial government (Åse Persson). It is the introduction of EU’s National Security State (NSS), a mild, ‘civilized’ version of US-made Latin American ones (“US complicity in the origination and servicing of this form of Third World fascism”): “In the NSSs… terror is widespread in its ugliest forms… Although Brazilian cities are notorious for street crime, a Sao Paulo public opinion poll of 1975 showed that more people were afraid [emphasis added] of the police (seven out of ten) than of non-official violence” (Edward S. Herman: The Real Terror Network).
From a writing of mine (1977) to a state authority (not Sweden): ‘Hinter schwedischer Demokratie und Friedensliebe steckt lukratives Waffengeschäft [cf ‘Peace-loving Sweden is doing a brisk trade arms’]. Der Geheimdienst und die sozialen Institutionen sind gänzlich entdifferenziert. Das durch Staatsapparate auszuübende Verbrechen, das durch Geheimdinest bestimmt wird, ist ein diluiertes, langatmiges Verbrechen, um diversen Pathologien, Sadismen und Obszönitäten der in Überzahl weiblichen Staatsbediensteten Rechnung zu tragen und sie durch diese Abfuhr libidinös fester an den Staat zu binden.

Next day in the Länsstyrelsen. During the meeting, round 15 minutes, 4-5 times or more the door behind me got opened for seconds with intense exchange of glances between Åse Persson and the one who had opened it. I didn’t turn my head. She gave then, saber rattling, the ‘trophy’_ uttered: ‘Could you sleep last night’? Added: ‘Now it goes positive’!

There are military-like rituals at the end of meetings, performed esp. by Swedish female bureaucrats: An energetic, sudden standing up and going, in an erect position, rhythmically backward, in a tempo twice faster than normal walking. It makes, especially when there are two simultaneously performing participants, a peculiar impression. For instance Ms Kållberg and Jansson, at the end of the session, June 22 1993, in Hässleholm, where the administration is placed directly in a former barracks, Kasern Möller, Gamla T4. This ritual was exercised in the first two meetings by Ms Persson as well. It disappeared In the subsequent meetings gradually and I forgot it. It was as Åse Persson was playing friendliness and was involved with deceptions, lies and spy hunting maneuvers. But now, after giving me the envelop, she performed the ritual in full version: sudden standing up and going rhythmically in an erect posture backward. She remained in that position until I left the room.

Erst jetzt konnte ich die rätselhaften Erregungen_

“Ich kann auf die Erregung…, auf den Kitzel… ein widerlicher Schuft zu sein,… nicht verzichten” (Wilhelm Reich)_

entziffern, die bei ihr auftraten, wenn sie mir Versprechungen machte, speziell als sie mir ‘Socialstyrelsen, Meddelandeblad, Nr 33/92 and Nr 34/92’ kopierte, oder, wie sie sagte, in Zeitungen ein Haus für mich suchte.

“On arriving for deportation prisoners were told to carefully label their luggage which would follow shortly. There were bizarre scenes of SS officers even helping Jewish deportees to label their possessions… Women were even given bars of soap to take into the showers” (SR March 1994).

After the invasion of my apartment by Åse Persson, ‘a calculated insult’_

“It was Sharon who, in September 2000, sparked off the new intifada by visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The visit was a calculated insult” (Anne Alexander: The new Intifada, 2002)_,

it happened a few times in June 1994_ in July I was not in Sweden_ that the door of my apartment which I locked as I left for shopping was unlocked by my return.

“CIA operators had utilized LSD [There have been LSD- und Elektroschock-Experiments, “sensory deprivation” and “depatterning” programs] and other psychochemicals… Agency officials hoped in these cases either to discredit the subject by making him seem insane or to ‘create within the individual a mental and emotional situation which will release him from the restraint of self-control… The Agency has consistenly refused to release details of these operations… In these operations, CIA men sometimes brought in local doctors… to certify the apparent insanity of a victim who had been unwittingly dosed with LSD or an even more durable psychochemical… which causes trips lasting a week or more and which tends to induce violent behavior” (J. Marks: CIA and Mind Control). The same scheme is implemented in Sweden_ not with drugs_ but with psychological methods. With its 250,000 strong contingent spread all over the country and in all branches, with direct psychoterror and stealing things from the house by its regular secret police and with its bloodhound bureaucrats in the institutions, Sweden puts stress on target’s character (‘cumulating effect’) to break him down: ‘by using a ratchetlike approach to put him under increased pressure’. Here in Dänemark, during the last two years, my apartment has been several times invaded and things had disappeared.

Der Staatsanwalt legte dem Kannibalen von Rotenburg “‘Störung der Totenruhe’ zur Last. M. habe, wie es im Gesetz heißt, ‘beschämenden Unfug an einer Leiche verübt’ (FR 27 Jan 2004). Ein Gesetz, die Unschuldigen nicht zu stören, gibt es nicht. Der Großverbrecher stört ihn solnage bis er tot ist. Erst dann, mit seinem Totenruhe-Gesetz, kommt er ihm zu Hilfe. Es begann 1980 in Deutschland. Schweden kam danach (1987-1995). Dann wieder in Deutschland 1995, und jetzt (1998-2003, verstärkt als ich allein wohnte 2004 bis Ende 2005, das Datum dieser Schrift) in Dänemark (Stehlen von Sachen aus der Wohnung und im Dezember 2005 Psychoterror: die Folterstaaten der EU). Der über den Unschuldigen verhängte soziale Tod reicht nicht aus, um durch ein analoges Gesetz die Störung des Sozial-Toten zu unterlassen: ‘Ein Gesetz, das den Schützen aus dem Hinterhalt bestraft, gibt es nicht’ (W. Reich, siehe also in LKA File, Seite 4, 18 Nov); denn der Hinterhalt ist das heilige Revier Gottes und dessen Vertreter. Der Hinterhalt ist das vom Gesetzgeber geschätze Refugium, zum Ausleben der Staatspathologie, seiner Sadismen und sonstigen verbrecherischen Gelüste, welches in seiner Gesetzgebung zu verankern er nicht unterläßt. Flaherty doubts about the ‘functionability’ of data protective laws and institutions: “Are they providing only the illusion of data protection at present? Are they in fact legitimzers of the application of new technology, although they appear to be ensuring data protection?”. Appointing “data protectors as watchdogs over surveillance practices”, he concludes, serves “as the conscience of the government”_ and with that, we add, to conceal facts from citizens: ‘deception, lies, and tricks’ (features of capitalism as Brown has pointed out. The holy ‘back’: ‘Ideology = misrecognition’ (Althusser). Suffice it pointing to the principal moral code of this very civilization: seeing the face of god is tabooed and its violation punished with death. A moral precept which I did not and will never respect. Indeed, I abhor it. If there is something like ‘clash of civilizations’, it is here.

After the invasion of my apartment by Åse Persson, ‘a calculated insult’_

“It was Sharon who, in September 2000, sparked off the new intifada by visiting the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The visit was a calculated insult” (Anne Alexander: The new Intifada, 2002)_,

it happened a few times in June 1994_ in July I was not in Sweden_ that the door of my apartment which I locked as I left for shopping was unlocked by my return. In August, I was sitting once on a bench on the edge of the huge golf playing area between Färlöv and Vinnöv, reading. An authority came with car and prompted me to leave. ‘It’s private’, he said, and waited until I left. Margaret Bergmann, who ‘was not allowed to compete’ (3): “Jews… could not stroll in the parks. There were beatings of Jews”. In Sveriges Radio I was received with the feet of one of the music bosses_ a colleague of Rydberg, whose first name I don’t know (a corpulent man, with whom I had the appointment)_ on the table, an oppressed, devilish smile moving across his face…

“Bericht des Gestapobeamten Felix Landau (7.7.1941) in dessen Tagebuch (zitiert nach Glaser): ‘Wir fuhren weiter die Straße entlang. Hunderte von Juden mit blutüberströmten Gesichtern, Löchern in den Köpfen, gebrochenen Händen und heraushängenden Augen, laufen die Straße entlang. Einige blutüberströmte Juden tragen andere, die zusammengebrochen sind. Wir fuhren zur Zitadelle, dort sahen wir Dinge, die bestimmt noch selten jemand gesehen hat. Am Eingang… stehen Soldaten mit faustdicken Knüppeln und schlagen hin, wo sie treffen. Am Eingang drängen die Juden heraus, daher liegen Reihen von Juden übereinander wie Schweine und wimmern sondergleichen, und immer wieder traben die hochkommenden Juden blutüberströmt davon’.

Compare the following Jewish faschist version of the above German faschist one: Soldiers went late night to the village Beita, the next night to Hawara, took Arab men, handcuffed and gagged, drove them with a bus to nearby fields, took a few, beat them with clubs, rifle butts, with kincks and fists, to break their arms and legs, esp to damage their joints, left them unconscious in the mud, went back to the bus, took a few more to be clubbed. In this night, January 20 1988, to the frustration of the soldiers, clubs broke_ so the title of chapter 2: ‘Night of Broken Clubs’ of the book Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People. The Dynamics of Torture, by John Conroy. One man had to “be beaten only in the arms”, so he could go back and inform the villagers. “It was a big mess”, described an officer, interviewed years later by Conroy, “everybody hitting and screaming, and somebody escaped, and someone was shouting, ‘Escape. Catch him. Catch him’. I remember that the commanders said, ‘Leave him, leave him, let him tell the village to come take all the Arabs who had been beaten’. He ran and fell and ran and fell”. It was a ‘strong-arm’ policy in reaction to the Intifada: ‘force, might, and beatings’ as proclaimed by the Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who received Nobel Peace Prize. The list of the men came from General Security Service (Shin Bet). In Beita there were 8 men. “Some had participated in demonstrations, some were alleged to be ‘inciters’, and one man was believed to have sung nationalist songs. No one of the eight was suspected of any serious offenses or of any involvement in terrorist activity”.

‘I bought an ax-stick and started to practice’16_ against the state!_ as disproportionate as the stone-throwing Palestinian youth against Israeli state killers, heavily armed with tanks, missiles and helicopter gunships. Note the following parallel: There is absolute nothing in the world I could be accused of. Amy Pagnozzi, the US journalist who ‘lambasted the US media for being a ‘palace court press’ for Israel”, writes ‘that vast numbers of Palestinian children_ many of them completely unarmed, holding neither stones nor guns nor bottle bombs_ have been killed’.

A Defense Department spokesman explained the rationale: putting someone in jail he would be freed after 18 days if innocent and could continue the bad habit of throwing stones. ‘But if troops break his hand, he won’t be able to throw stones for a month and a half’.

In beiden Beispielen haben wir eine Sorte von Schergen, die Soldaten, die an einem Ort gleichzeitig auf viele losgehen und zuschlagen. In Schweden sind es auch eine Kategorie von Schergen, flächendeckend 250,000_

Bestimmte Bürokraten, Staatsbeamten, Angestellten in den Banken, Bibliotheken, Postämtern + Geheimagenten in den Straßen, Geschäften, im Bahnhof, im Bus, im Haus. Luther (cited in Brown, page 212) hat es durchschaut: ‘Everythings is full of devils, in the courts of princes, in houses, in fields, in streets, in water, in wood, in fire’: ‘Tausende von Augen, die überall postiert sind’ (die 250,000 schwedischen Teufellinge’). Es ist das Prinzip Jahve im Gottesstaat_ Jahve weiß “alles, was der Mensch tut… Er kennt ‘sein Stehen und Gehen’…, er kennt nicht nur ihr Tun, sondern auch ihr Reden, ja ihr innerstes Denken und ihre intimsten Geheimnisse” (Raffael Pettazzoni: Der allwissende Gott, Seite 14)_, der ‘Charakter der Heiligkeit’, der sich ‘durch eine Art von Diffusion oder Infektion… auf alle… kulturellen Einrichtungen, Gesetze und Verordnungen ausgebreitet’ hat.,

die aber an verschiedenen Orten und in verschiedenen Zeiten auf ein einziges Individuum losgehen und zuschlagen: ‘pinpoint destruction’; Distribution des Verbrechens in Zeit und Raum; langzeitig (‘diluiertes, langatmiges Verbrechen’) und nach modernen psychologisch wissenschaftlichen Zerstörungsmethoden: ‘Harass him constantly… cumulative effect’; guidance comes from the EU: ‘backed up by internal security forces’; brüderliche Rassen- und Amtshilfe made in Deutschland.

There is also the story of the black woman. A serious danger from this_ if she would have…, if she…, if…, then not a single person in the world would have believed me_, which might have involved me with the police, in any event would have compromised my reputation, I could avert right from the very outset.

As I first came to Gällivare toward the end of the summer 1994, I lived about 10 days in the youth hostel, where my things was searched_ and maybe with the purpose to let me know about it. The block I stayed in was locked. My room with two beds was occupied only by me, and I locked it when I left the youth hostel. Without cooperation of the youth hostel management nobody could get in the room. When everything remains in the same order and nothing is missing, one cannot say that there has been a search. I had computer discs in a hard plastic box, which I put, to be more safe against movement and pressure, in a thick cap and packed it in a plastic bag so that the bag could not easily be opened. I carried it always with me in a shopping bag when I went to the city. That was so during all my trip.

This precaution, as well as keeping computer discs in the bank safe in Vittsjö, where one disc had disappeared during the Gulf crisis, turned out to be of no avail. Because my house had been searched and things had disappeared, I was not sure that once I come home and find my computer out of order, the discs disappeared, and my work for years being up the spout. So I carried them with me always by leaving the house (cf ‘I didn’t feel safe on Swedish soil’).

In Gällivare I left once the shopping bag in the room as I went for a long walk. Coming back I found that the plastic bag containing the discs was open (nothing was missing). It is not difficult to imagine that my shopping bag, always carried with me, was for the Swedish sick fantasy, always in the search of enemy, a cause of stress. The Swedish Großverbrecher, being riddled with Jehovah soul (‘Stehen und Gehen’, vgl an LKA, July 02 2002), cannot sleep before it had scanned every shopping bag, every pocket, every house, every thought and feeling (Jahve ‘kennt… ihr Reden, ja ihr innerstes Denken und ihre intimsten Geheimnisse’).

The youth hostel is in a quiet place, on the other side of the river, and it takes short minutes to reach shops in the city by going just over the bridge. I was considering to rent a place there for longer time_ it was after Åse Persson’s invasion of my apartment which induced me to leave that town_ and spoke to the owner who said they wanted to sell the youth hostel, but, he said, it could be possible to continue my renting also under a new owner. It was not clear when it could be sold, and we had to end our meeting because new people came and I left his office.

A few days after my arrival in the youth hostel an African black woman appeared there, staying alone in one apartment in another block. She tried a few times to contact me and said I should visit her. She didn’t answer my questions where she lived and why she was in Gällivare, what was her work and so on. She said vaguely she lives somewhere in middle Sweden.

One day I went to her place. ‘Wait’, she said. I saw through the window as she hastily put thick lipstick on her thick lips. Then she opened the door. ‘Sorry disturbing, may I look at the apartment?’. She said a few times I should sit down. I said I had no time, wanted just to see the apartment, and left after short minutes. As I rented my apartment in Gällivare, on the other side of the city and moved in toward the end of September, the next day I was surprised to see the black woman coming out of the apartment just below of mine. She said she was staying by a friend_ a Swedish woman.
The day after my furniture arrived, I was busy to bring things down to the cellar and bring things from the cellar to the apartment which was still full of packed and unpacked boxes, clothes and papers around. I left the apartment for a few minutes, the door open. Coming the stairs up, the lift was out of order, the black woman was just leaving my apartment, walking fast, without saying a word or whatsoever gesture by passing by. I noticed that some papers which I had seen before were missing.
The story with the African black woman could be easily investigated. One can go to Gällivare, 70Km north of the arctic circle, where I escaped first (There too, despite guaranteed snow, I could’t get a snow work. ‘We do it with machines’, they said)_

and find out that that woman has been staying in the youth hostel at the time, investigate that she was staying again later in the house, on the other side of the city, by a Swedish woman, just below my apartment. One can ask people in the house who had seen her, ask the woman by wohm she was staying, likely with the same mission, visiting frequently foreigners, predominantly refugees from former Yugoslavia_,

and find out her identity and so on. As mentioned, she very much tried to get contact with me. This investigation is conclusive.

In October I noticed that the black woman was still staying in the apartment by the Swedish woman in the ground floor_ one could see from the street through the window. There was no speaking between us as we accidentally met. At the end of October half past seven in the evening there was a ring at the door: She wanted to come in. ‘Sorry, I am working’, didn’t let her in. Next day she came again together with the woman, by whom she was staying_ both dressed up. ‘Sorry, I am working’, didn’t let them in. After one hour or so it rang again. I didn’t go right away to the door, looked then through the hole: the woman from downstairs was just leaving in a state of an injected adrenaline in blood. During the rest of my staying in Gällivare I didn’t see the black woman anymore.

Once I slept with a black woman in Germany. Germany and Sweden tried their ‘utmost’ to satisfy my needs and preferences by providing Turkish vegetable, a forest for jogging and a black woman for…

“‘Our job was to recommend what strategy to try’… This source states he had direct knowledge of cases where TSS [Technical Services Staff] recommendations led to sexual entrapment operations… ‘We had women ready_ called them a stable’… One CIA psychologist stresses that the PAS [Personality Assessment System] only provided ‘clues’ on how to compromise people…, another Gittinger colleague describes this process as ‘looking for soft spots’… and he adds, ‘None of this was personal. It was for national security reasons’… Taken as a whole, all these observations allowed Gittinger to make a reasoned estimate about a subject’s personality, with emphasis on his vulnerabilities” (John Marks: The CIA and Mind Control).

The reader has to think how much money and criminal efforts had been used for years to destroy a composer. It is financed by the taxpayers and they should know it. It is incumbent on press and publishers to inform the public what happen to their contributions and what doesn’t: for example the do-nothing of the German state_ not using its underground forces_ to prevent racist killing and setting fire to the refugee homes which had taken place time and again and were foreseeable for long time.
In January 95 I was 5 days in Sweden to pack. Two letters I sent to Germany. One to a transport company. It had arrived. The second one to a Stadtrat (high position in the administration) who is at the same time the chairman of a leftist party in that town. This letter did not reach the addressee.

By transportation to Germany with a Swedish-German company one carton containing among other things two folders full of all kinds of documents, bills and letters was missing. Among over forty packages no other package contained documents, bills and letters_ about four fifth of all packages were printed papers: books and music scores.

“I think”, wrote Åse Persson (1993-10-18), “the amount of 2500 bank-payment monthly for the house is acceptable”. Then she increased the amount by copying for me Socialstyrelsen, Meddelandeblad, Nr 33/92 and Nr 34/92, to show my ‘rights’ to receive monthly over SK 4000 only for housing. Cf with the German parallel: ‘Im übrigen hatte ich mich in der Größe des Zimmers vertan. Es ist statt 20m2, 25m2’.

From my writing of April 17 1994 to Åse Persson:

If it comes to a hearing and briefing…, consider that I have among my books also books from Marx and Engels. I say this because there are clues indicating that during the Gulf crisis my house had been more than one time searched. If those books are the problem then I would like to explain short…

It became a longer letter from which I bring here only the following quotation:

Imre Lakatos, an outstanding science philosopher, points out ‘that the typical descriptive unit of great scientific achievements is not an isolated hypothesis but rather a research programme… Newton’s theory of gravitation, Einstein’s relativity theory, quantum mechanics, Marxism, Freudianism, are all research programmes, each with a characteristic hard core stubbornly defended, each with its more flexible protective belt and each with its elaborate problem solving machinery. Each of them, at any stage of its development, has unsolved problems and undigested anomalies’.

I wrote over 30 letters only to Åse Persson (and many to other authorities including innumerable telephone calls and other troubles, e.g. very much travelling in Sweden, then abroad, as it got clear that I had to leave Sweden), partly long, one of them over 20 pages. After my contact with these authorities it became a kind of full-time job for me, absorbed immense energy, very much time and money, delivered me to extreme sadism and humiliation.

“Anyone who was killed in a fortuitous way_ and such people were killed only when no revenge was to be expected_ was termed idaidaga. An idaidaga might be obtained from a ship-wreck, or it could have been someone who had lost his way in the bush” (Eli Sagan: Human Aggression. Cannibalism and Cultural Form).

Nicht nur der verbrecherische schwedische Staat macht unbarmherzigen Gebrauch davon, indem er das ihm unerwünschte Individuum durch Ausgrenzung, Isolierung, Boykott, aus dem sozialen Gefüge herausschält, durch Vereinzelung desintegriert, es zum geeigneten Opfer modelliert. Durch das schwedisch-deutsche Konspiration und deren großzügig-verbrecherische Informations-Kungelei_

“Das Ausländerzentralregister habe die MigrantInnen zu einer gläsernen Masse degradiert… Auf das AZR haben ‘befreundete’ Geheimdienste Deutschlands Zugriff” (taz, 22 Sept 1995)_,

bin ich in jedem andern Land auch denselbigen schwedisch-deutschen Halluzinationen und verbrecherischen Praktiken ausgesetzt.

From my Email of Dec 2005 to Danish Writer Society (DFF):

In this area I live now, Padborg, I am actually happy_ near nature, with beautiful old trees and a nice path for long walking or jogging, also near train station, bus stop, post, library and shopping facilities. Apart from this dimension, the kind of encroachments, beginning as early as 1980 in Germany, then in Sweden, again in Germany, had been continuing in this country since the very beginning of my staying in Virum. It has however been intensified in my current domicile: surveillance; stopping by the police (to date 5 times); disappearance of mail; disappearance of things from the apartment (I have changed so far two times the lock of the apartment, so it is now the third lock)_ and recently: psychoterro.


1 That is organized criminality, operating under optimal conditions: “As one survivor recalled years later, ‘unofficial crimes were forbidden in the Third Reich’” (Robert O. Paxton: Anatomy of Fascism).

2 New Left Review Jan/Feb 2000.

3 From two memorandums, May and July 1980 of the music publisher Schirmer, New York: ‘We have run into a total roadblock in trying to get any performances of any works of Iraj Schimi because he is Iranian… Richard Dufallo… was specifically contacted and expressed in strong terms his views of the Iranian crisis vis a vis Schimi’s ancestral background’.
Because of the manipulation of the administration, manager Mr Muggler, my submitted score to a competition in Switzerland, World Music Days (ISCM, 1991), did not reach the jury. A jury member wrote (Amsterdam, May 28, 1991):

“That your score evidently was not seen… is shocking”. The then international president of ISCM wrote (London, July 30, 1991): “I am distressed to hear of your experience… with… the ISCM… It is a very uncommon occurrence”.
A parallel is this: “New York _ At 82, a Jewish Athlet Remembers… Margaret Bergmann… was not allowed to compete because she was a Jew in Nazi Germany” (IHT, Summer 1996).
The difference is between explicit fascism and the current one.
To mention another case, Warszawska Jesien: “With pleasure I can inform you that your piece is proposed by us to be performed by Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra” (02 March 1979). “We are very sorry… to inform you that (your piece) will be not performed”. Because the Finnish sector wanted to have “only works of Finnish composers” (04 June 1979). These documents are all enclosed.

4 Michael Newman (Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union) points to “the ‘second class’ and ‘non-citizens’ [the EU] has created”, who “are denied full citizenship”, and to the “powerful forces which are seeking to ensure that citizenship is defined by the ‘nation-state’ and is intolerant of ‘outsiders'”.

5 Millions of people won’t do it. A true prognosis upon which the destructivity of Swedish and German states is predicated.

6 He had received my address from a person I had met once to rent a room.

7 ‘Meine Vorstellung liegt bei 200,- 000 [sic], ohne Telefon’ (19/06/91).

8 I had no doubt that the Swedish, German, Danish and British security forces worked (against the enemy) closely together_ most likely because of Swedish and German initiative. I was in London in a few electric shops looking radios, computers, etc. I might have been observed there too. In London airport as I was searched and questioned, one question was whether I was carrying (in my pocket or in my luggage, the sea bag) electric tools. This was the reason I wanted to pay the rent with electric tools, to convince their devilish fantasy. This was not repulsive enough for Oliver Steyer to cancel his renting offer. On the contrary… Read his writings.

9 “The council’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance identified racism (in Germany) in housing, education and employment” (IHT July 4, 2001).

10 Oliver Steyer: ‘Ich möchte zum Kennenlernen die Benutzung des Zimmers auf 1/2 oder 1 Jahr schriftlich festlegen. Die Dauer ist natürlich verlängerbar’ (19/06/91).

11 Als ich nicht gelegentlich, sondern mindestens 6 Monate oder ein Jahr ständig dort wohnen sollte.

12 Staumann sagte, es sei ihm ‘egal’, wenn ich sein Telefon für Ferngespräche benutze.

13 This, which only could be performed on the stage by a mannerist, hysterical character_ performed in Socialförvaltningen, Kasern Möller, Gamla T4, Hässleholm_, is the way Swedish state encounters the burgher_ only foreigners? I don’t know. It is in the category of Åse Persson’s Obszönitätenschnüffelei, the libido-laden th of Kållberg, feet of one of the music bosses… on the table, and so on. By “the Stalinist show trials” there were “eerie laughter…, erupted among the public during Bukharin’s last speech in front of the Central Committee”. Bukharin [, der in diesem Schauprozeß zum Tode verurteilt wurde] was pondering to commit suicide, but the response was laughter. Bukharin: ‘But you must understand_ it’s very hard for me to go on living [like this]… I am just describing what’s on my mind, what I am going through’. Laughter. ‘Why are you laughing? There is absolutely nothing funny about… this’ (NLR, Nov/Dec 1999).

14 In Germany: “Sie bewerben sich bei einem Unternehmen oder einer Behörde um eine neue, freie, Stelle… Der… Arbeitgeber zeigt sich interessiert… Doch dann kommt wider Erwarten eine Absage… Sie geben jedoch nicht auf und bewerben sich noch bei anderen Unternehmen_ fünfzigmal und mehr. Doch immer wieder müssen Sie nahezu den gleichen Ablauf erleben: starke Interessebekundung, positives Vorstellungsgespräch, begründungslose Absage… Vieles spricht dafür, daß Sie Opfer neuzeitlichen Sicherheitswahns geworden sind, der auch vor der Arbeitswelt nicht haltmacht… Bereits heute werden Millionen von Beschäftigten in bundesdeutschen Unternehmen sicherheitsüberprüft und politisch selektiert…, einer eingehenden Gesinnungskontrolle unterzogen” (Rolf Gössner, in Überwachungsstaat, nr. 0/2 märz ’89). Diesbezüglich habe ich in Deutschland selbst zahlreiche Erfahrungen gemacht. “Kaum skandalisierbar… sind”, schreibt Erhard Blankenburg (Politik der inneren Sicherheit) “die unausgesprochenen Diskriminierungen, in denen sich ein ‘Recht auf einen Arbeitsplatz’ weniger leicht legitimieren läßt als bei Lehrern oder sonstigen Beamten, die sich mit einer staatlichen Prüfung einen Eintrittsschein erworben haben”. The case outlined in this documentation falls into this category, is therefore so fatal. Die rassistisch-sadistischen EU-Staaten, Schweden und Deutschland, hatten mit einem isolierten Drittwelt-Komponisten ein leichtes Spiel.

15 Or my letters didn’t reach a friendly and supportive authority (Ms Odergren) in Konstnärsnämnden, Stockholm. 30 to 50 letters from my parents (from Tehran: my mother writing with her from rheumatism deformed and painful hand) didn’t reach me (1990-1991). It is the holy delusion, the forces of diabolic capital, from which the Swedish state, in constant fear of its wealth being threatened, can’t get rid of, as Luther couldn’t get rid of the devil ‘moored to [him] with mighty cords’ (Brown, page 227)_ money, devil, god, anality, deception (Bescheißen), belong to one and the same category. After I left Sweden the mail became a big trouble. 1999-2001 (in Denmark) about 25 to 30% of my mail, in both directions, didn’t arrive. Among others, the documentation I sent to the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau, to a publisher in Berlin and to Die Grünen (Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 1, Berlin), or to abroad. Before that a registered letter from Paris to Greece didn’t reach me (years before that, a registered letter from my sister in Switzerland to Germany didn’t arrive_ she received some compensation for it). A Letter from Greece to Vienna didn’t arrive. A few letters to Germany didn’t reach the addressee; in one case the large envelop had arrived_ but empty. From Denmark to Germany a large envelop containing music score did not arrive. Because of the subject of this documentation I contacted more than 3 dozens private persons, newspapers and institutions. Very few acknowledged the receipt by my telephone call short or long after sending mail. By my telephone contact to some of them, for example Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Konkret (all in Hamburg), I called up to three times_ they refused to confirm the receipt. I assume therefore it was received. The secretary of Günter Grass said on telephone: ‘Ich kann nicht versprechen, ob ich den Empfang bestätigen kann oder nicht’. An email of mine to a German MP (Frau Monika Griefahn, Kultur- und Mediensprecherin der SPD im Bundestag) took 16 days to reach her. It is the German counterpart to psychoterrors (intimidation) in Sweden. “The official US government definition of terrorism: the threat or use of violence to achieve political, religious, or other ends through intimidation, inducing fear… directed against civilian populations” (Noam Chomsky: Power and Terror, page 50).

16 Sweden absorbs the intelligentsia through the lure of money and a high dose of megalomania_ the (serious) music scene is dominated by a cult of genius (some of those geniuses receive lifelong stipend + liefelong honor), where the ‘lower races’ have no entrance_ “The Swedish bureaucracy was imbued with racist thinking and fantasies about the superiority of the ‘Nordic race’” (new left review, Nov/Dec 1997). “Neid und Fremdenhaß sprießen” (Spiegel 37/1994). In Finland Sweden and Denmark, where I lived for some years, the cultural institutions are closed to the aliens through high flames of envy and hatred. The reason lies in the privileged position artists and intellectuals enjoy. They have their own organizations and are not at ease sharing it with a newcomer.

A parallel is this: “Australia, where labour feels its triumph secure, is full of patriotism and militarism, based upon determination to prevent foreign labour from sharing the benefits of a privileged position” (Bertrand Russell).

With the formation of the EU the situation has drastically been worsened. “The extent to which the EU itself should be held responsible for creating ‘second-class citizens’ through the phenomena of ‘social exclusion’ and economic insecurity is… unclear…

The extent is enormous large. The pre-EU racism and exclusionism which had more or less been ‘in itself’, that is potential, have become an actual quality, ‘for itself’ (cf*: ‘not only in quantity, but also in quality’). I was 4 years in Finland (was married) and 7 years in Sweden. No performance, no broadcasting, no commission. But some years before that I had a performance for large orchestra in Helsinki, Finlandia Hall (World Music Days, 1978), and commission from Sveriges Radio for a computer electronic piece (nine years before I moved to Sweden), which I realized in Electronic Music Studio, Stockholm, and had boradcasting (orchestral work) in Sveriges Radio. In the first year of my staying in Sweden a work of mine was chosen by an international jury to be performed in Sweden in the framework of Nordic Music Days. Two days before the performance I learned about its cancellation. I was In Sweden permanent resident but was denied even a simple manual work to make a living_ adding to the collection (social agencey, länsstyrelsen, banks, post office, library) also the Arbetsförmedling (employment office). Before I moved to Sweden, I was promissed by one music publisher in Stockholm and a section of FST (Swedish Composer Society) to get music copying work, which I had done for many years for an international music publisher. But while living in Sweden, I couldn’t get that work either.

Those who are not recognized as ‘full citizens’ either legally or in social, economic, cultural or political terms, may suffer a deterioration in their relative positions in comparison with those who are so regarded. Who are the ‘second-class’ and ‘non-citizens’ who are suffering… in the EU? A case may be made for suggesting that all victims of inequality are denied full citizenship. In this sense, all the ‘socially excluded’ may be regarded as having their full rights denied and it has, for example, been argued that EU citizenship should include the ‘right to work’ or at least a positive employment and welfare strategy”. (Michael Newman: Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union). A parallel: Palestinian refugees in Palestine are referred to by Israel as ‘present absentees’. Arabs within Isarael are “defined as its second-class citizens… It tells of the tacit axis of apartheid that defines the state of Israel to this day: the interplay between the formal inclusion of Palestinians as citizens and their structural exclusion from equal rights within the state.

“For the fascist”, writes McMurtry (1984), quoting Hannah Arendt, “lines of impoverishment or powerlessness below which others will not be allowed to fall violate precisely the ‘process of selection’ that it is the duty of fascists to implement. ‘In this process of selection’, says Heinrich Himmler of the ‘negative population policy’ of the Nazis, ‘there can never be a standstill’… An analogous ‘process of selection’ is achieved by the neo-conservative policy of systematic reduction of spending on social welfare programs and other measures of assuring basic sustenance to the needy… and draconian IMF conditions to Thrid World countries requiring the elimination of price controls on basic commodities and a massive reduction of fiscal spending on social welfare and public projects”.

This is the particular dialectic of oppression_ of a population formally present but in so many crucial ways absent_ that makes the legal-administrative definition of these Palestinians so coldly accurate” (Gabriel Piterberg: ‘Erasures’. The author uses, inter alia, materials from an unpublished thesis of Haya Bombaji-Saportas: ‘Whose Voice is Heard/Whose Voice is Silenced: the Construction of the Palestinian Refugee Problem in the Israeli Establishment, (1948-1952)’, New Left Rreview July/Aug 2001).

The ax-stick was stolen by the Danish state in the autumn of 2005 from my apartment in southern Denmark. Eklig: Die schmutzige Hand des Staats wühlte in meiner Wäsche im Schrank. Ein Geschenk der EU!

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