EU-GR Thief on the Beach

EU-GR Thief on the Beach

July 05 2015, 19 o’clock, place: the same described in ‘EU-GR Pit Bull Attack’. I was swimming. A man,

wearing a green T-shirt and black shorts, was approaching my bag, which I had covered with a white cloth. Very close to my bag he passed it. I didn’t follow the scene thereafter… At once I see he was back. He passed my bag and sat on the sand 5 meters from it. He had no bag, nothing in the hand. Nobody was around. I decided to give up further swimming I had planned, and started to swim fast shoreward, still 100 meters afar. The man, 99% Greek, 99+% police, stood up, went to my bag, took it, and walked in the direction of bushes on the slightly hilly area. I shouted: ‘Hallo, hallo’, and swam as fast as I could to get out of water. He dropped my back and ran fast toward the bushes and disappeared.

Vgl.: EU-GR Pit Bull Attack; Colored Sweat; EU-GR Hose; [Diebstähle: Deutschland, Schweden, Dänemark, Griechenland (wo auch meine Partituren verschwanden)]; UPS; Paroxysm; We-the-Team, etc. In the file ‘EU-State’: ‘ammonia smell of the underarms sweat: severe extrasystoles’; ‘underarms’ colored sweat: severe heart failure’.

Überall die heilige Destruktivität des Gottestabugesichts [dem Epizentrum des Verbrechens] als politisch unschätzbarem Wert: Kanzlerin Merkels Christentum für die ‘alltägliche Politik’ (Kanzlerin Merkels Propaganda).

About iraj

Composer (New Music), writer.
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